LA Transport Partnership Fund Policy Statement 2024/2025 - for learners aged 16-18 in further education and continuing students aged 19 and over.

Consultation on the 2024/2025 Transport Policy Statement

There is a requirement for the Council to publish a Post 16 Policy statement by 31 May annually.

The consultation period for the 2024/2025 Policy statement has now closed and we would like to thank those who provided comments.

We are not planning to make any changes to the current statement in 2024, although this will be refreshed to reflect any updates from South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA) or Government guidance. 


Summary of Policy Statement and Main Objectives

The attached Policy Statement is intended to provide advice and guidance for young people entering into Post 16 education, employment or training and their parents and carers about the travel and transport arrangements which are available in Doncaster for the coming academic year.

This statement is reviewed and published annually and covers the following areas:

  • Details of concessionary fares, tickets, discounts, subsidies, passes or travel cards available for Post 16 students attending sixth form at school, college or other places of learning or training
  • The 16-19 Bursary Fund
  • Help for learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities or students facing difficulties in following their courses
  • Information on travel assistance for Special Educational Needs Students over the age of 19
  • Independent Travel Training
  • Cross Boundary Travel/Transport
  • Residential Education Placements
  • Care to Learn funding
  • How to appeal against a decision made on transport assistance
  • How to make a complaint
  • Useful contacts, links and further information


Consultation - Post 16 Transport Policy Statement 2024/2025

The Post 16 Transport Statement is published 31st May each year and we intend to consult on this each year prior to publication. These consultations will take place towards the end of 2024



Last updated: 06 June 2024 10:21:44

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