Understanding your care leaver status

To help you understand the type of support that you are entitled to receive from the leaving care service, it is important that you understand some key words which are used to describe the different categories of care leavers.

The support you are entitled to depends on what your leaving care status is. Your status depends on a number of things. We understand that this can be confusing.


An eligible young person is someone who is 16 or 17 and is still in care, and has spent more than 13 weeks in care since the age of 14.


A relevant young person is someone who is aged 16 or 17, and has spent more than 13 weeks in care since the age of 14, but has left care either on or after their 16th birthday.

Former relevant

A former relevant young person is someone aged between 18 – 25, and has spent more than 13 weeks in care since the age of 14, including time on or after your 16th birthday. 


A qualifying young person is someone aged between 16 – 21 (or up to 25 if they are still in education) 


  • Were in care for less than 13 weeks since the age of 14, including some time on or after your 16th birthday
  • Left care aged 16 or 17, and returned to your family home in a planned move for 6 months or more before you turned 18
  • Were in care before being cared for under a Special Guardianship Order, or 
  • is 16 – 21 (or up to 25 if they are still in education) and was subject to a Private Fostering arrangement 

Extension to 25

Extension to 25 is someone who is under the age of 25 that has previously been ‘open’ to the care leaving service who is entitled to request advice and support

Find out more

You can find out further guidance to help you understand your leaving care status on the links below

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Want to know more about our Care Leavers' Offer? Get in touch with us by emailing IFTLocalOfferQuestion@doncaster.gov.uk (Please note, emails to this inbox are monitored Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm).

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Last updated: 12 December 2023 15:10:35

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