Children, Young People & Families - Freedom of Information/Environmental Information Regulations 2023/2024

Click on the topics below to view some of the Council's responses to Freedom of Information requests answered by the directorate Children, Young People & Families.

School Attendance

Alternative Provision

Electively Home Educated Children
Download (75KB - PDF)
Children and young people receiving EOTAS
Download (49KB - PDF)
Pupil Referral Units
Download (84KB - PDF)
Alternative Provision
Download (87KB - PDF)
Pupil Referral Units-2
Download (100KB - PDF)
Information about PRUs and APs
Download (150KB - PDF)
Information on Council management of PRUs
Download (102KB - PDF)
Information about the number of children recorded for home schooling
Download (150KB - PDF)
Information on Elective Home Education data
Download (103KB - PDF)


Special Educational Needs

School Transport

Children's Social Care 

Young People Housed in Emergency Unregulated Accommodation
Download (47KB - PDF)
Looked After Children with a British Citizenship or Placed Outside the UK
Download (131KB - PDF)
Children Taken into Care as their Primary Caregiver was remanded into Custody
Download (78KB - PDF)
16+ Looked after Children Placements
Download (49KB - PDF)
Information about family group conferencing
Download (54KB - PDF)
Information on looked after children who were placed in an unregistered children's home
Download (135KB - PDF)

Information about missing Albanian children

Download (117KB - PDF)
Information about fees for residential placements for children with learning disabilities
Download (75KB - PDF)
Information about looked after children in unregulated accommodation
Download (49KB - PDF)
Information about looked after children in residential children's homes
Download (102KB - PDF)
Children in Care as a Result of Maternal Imprisonment
Download (80KB - PDF)
Children taken into care
Download (110KB - PDF)
Information about the leaving care grant
Download (193KB - PDF)
Children Services Contact Details
Download (253KB - PDF)
Policies for homeless young people and supported accommodation
Download (131KB - PDF)
Policies for homeless young people and supported accommodation - attachment
Download (90KB - DOCX)

Information on number of children in care due to homelessness

Download (149KB - PDF)
Information about Children in Care accommodation
Download (118KB - PDF)
Information about Section 20 of the Childrens Act
Download (160KB - PDF)

 Information about parent and child placements

Download (121KB - PDF)

Foster Care

Unaccompanied asylum-seeking children/young people


Information about Cyber Security training for teachers
Download (53KB - PDF)
Information about water pipes in schools
Download (115KB - PDF)
Information on children and young people aged 16-18 categorised as Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) in the last three years
Download (91KB - PDF)
Weight Management Services for Children and Young People
Download (140KB - PDF)
Meat containing Nitrates
Download (100KB - PDF)
Educational Establishments using Fingerprint Technology
Download (79KB - PDF)
School buildings condition survey data
Download (76KB - PDF)
Free School Meal Provision during School Holidays
Download (80KB - PDF)
Sewage leaks in schools
Download (76KB - PDF)
Allergy training in schools
Download (47KB - PDF)
Missing Children
Download (122KB - PDF)
Missing Children attachment - Apr 2019 - Apr 2020
Download (9KB - XLSX)
Missing Children attachment - Apr 2020 - Apr 2021
Download (11KB - XLSX)
Missing Children attachment - Apr 2021 - Apr 2022
Download (13KB - XLSX)
Missing Children attachment - Apr 2022 - Apr 2023
Download (17KB - XLSX)
Information about complaints made about primary and secondary schools
Download (165KB - PDF)
Information about Commissioners working in Childrens and Adults Services
Download (163KB - PDF)
Information about children residential services fees uplift
Download (99KB - PDF)
Information about connectivity services in schools
Download (76KB - PDF)
Information about Holiday Activities Food Programme
Download (148KB - PDF)
Information about households accommodated under section 17 of the Children Act 1989
Download (148KB - PDF)
Information about school crossing wardens wearing Body Cams
Download (141KB - PDF)
Information about Schools using temporary accommodation
Download (102KB - PDF)
Information about the school rebuilding programme
Download (142KB - PDF)
Information about the school rebuilding programme - ATTACHMENT
Download (88KB - XLSX)
Information about primary schools
Download (126KB - PDF)
Information about exclusions in schools
Download (164KB - PDF)
Contact details and structure charts for education and children's services
Download (218KB - PDF)
Contact details and structure charts for education and children's services - Attachment 1
Download (21KB - XLSX)
Contact details and structure charts for education and children's services - Attachment 2
Download (64KB - PPTX)
Structure Charts for Childrens Services
Download (261KB - PDF)
Structure Charts for Childrens Services - Attachment
Download (101KB - PDF)
Information about direct payments paid by the council to a family to meet the needs of a disabled child
Download (115KB - PDF)
Information about direct payments paid by the council to a family to meet the needs of a disabled child ATTACHMENT
Download (121KB - PDF)
Last updated: 17 May 2024 11:28:48

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