Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Objectives

Our aim is to improve the quality of life for everyone who lives, visits or works in Doncaster, through promoting inclusion and diversity, tackling inequalities and removing barriers which may prevent people from fulfilling their true potential.

To ensure EDI is up front and centre in our key programmes, our EDI priorities  align with each theme - Caring, Living, Working and Learning under Doncaster Growing Together (DGT) our Borough Strategy and as a Connected Council ready for the future.

Our priorities have been developed using national, regional and local data and intelligence sources to help gain a better understanding of our borough and it’s changing needs. These priorities will be delivered through the existing DGT programmes and/or the creation of bespoke work streams.

To ensure that we are flexible in our approach, we developed a one year plan (2018/19) as part of our strategy for the next three years, to allow us time to further refine our priorities by better understanding our communities and workforce. This is attached below.  Progress against the year one plan is contained within our EDI Annual Report for 2018/19.

Our year two plan (2019/20) focuses on the elements of the year one plan that are still being delivered or continue to remain a priority.

The results from the ‘Doncaster talks’ initiative that took place over the summer of 2019 will be used to inform the production of our year three plan (2020/21)


Year Two Action Plan EDI
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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Summary Objectives
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Year 1 - Action Plan EDI Summary Objectives
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Last updated: 25 April 2024 09:59:20

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