As part of the Transparency Agenda, the Council actively publishes details of fraud or corruption that it detects and produces a report annually on our counter fraud and fraud investigation activity. These are normally released via the Council's Audit Committee in October each year. In order to aid our readers and users, all of these reports are collated and published here along with key summary activity relating to fraud and counter fraud activity.

Annual reports on fraud and counter fraud activity

Most of the information required to be published under the transparency code can be found in the Annual Fraud Report / Preventing and Detecting Fraud and Error Report.  These reports cover more than the requirements of the transparency agenda.  Links to the  reports are available below.  More historic information is available by searching through the Council's Audit Committee pages.

Fraud and counter fraud statistics

The government requires that the Council and similar bodies produce and publish annual statistics relating to fraud activity and investigation.  This is requirement is known as the Transparency Agenda.   Details of our activity are included in the table below.

Statistic  / Year                           Number of occasions
where under the
Prevention of Social Housing Fraud
(Power to Require Information) 2014 has
been used
Total number of
(absolute) employees undertaking investigations and
prosecutions of fraud
Total number of
(full time equivalent)
employees undertaking investigations and
prosecutions of fraud
Total number of
absolute and full time
equivalent professionally accredited counter
fraud specialists
Total amount spent
by the authority on
the investigation and
prosecution of fraud.  (Estimated costs based
on direct costs only)
Total number of fraud cases investigated
2012/2013 NA NA 8.85 NA NA See report above
2013/2014 NA NA 7.85 NA NA See report above
2014/2015 0 10.5 8.095 8 £233,249 See report above
2015/2016 0 10.5 ** 8.095 ** 8 ** £163,000 See report above
2016/2017 0 5 2.10 3 £75,000 *** See report above
2017/2018 0 5 2.00 3 £70,000 *** See report above
2018/2019 0 5 2.10 3 £80,000 See report above
2019/2020 0 4 1.8 3 £70,000 See report above
2020/2021 0 4 1.8 3 £75,000 See report above
2021/2022 0 4 1.8 2 NA**** See report above
2022/2023 0 3 1.92 2 £93,190 See report above
2023/2024 DUE FOR PUBLICATION IN OCTOBER 2024          


 *  The current version of the Transparency Code was released in 2015.  Statistics prior to this date are not available for all items. 

** These figures represent the state of play for the first half of 2015/16 before the transfer of benefits fraud investigation staff to the Single Fraud Investigation Service. Further details of this are available in the Annual Fraud Report for 2015/16.

*** Due to the fact that fraud is investigated by individual departments as part of their normal work commitments, it is not separately recorded.  This is an estimate only and relates to Doncaster Council undertaken investigations only.

**** Due to the impact of the Covid Pandemic it was not possible to calculate this with any accuracy for 2021/22.  

All figures above exclude Trading Standards investigations staff.



Last updated: 03 June 2024 12:34:52

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