Local Government By-Election - Town Ward

The Council has received the necessary request for the Local Government Councillor Vacancy for the ward of 'Town' to be filled by an election. A By-Election will take place on Thursday 4 July 2024.

To see the candidates standing for Election, please click on the 'Statement of Persons Nominated' notice below under Notices:


Statement of Persons Nominated:

Statement of persons Nominated - Town
Download (36KB - PDF)

Notice of Election:

Notice of Election - Town
Download (23KB - PDF)

Notice of Vacancy:

Notice of Vacancy - Town Ward
Download (32KB - PDF)


Information for Electors

How to Vote 

You can do one of the following:

  • Vote in person at a polling station with photo ID
  • Vote by Post 
  • Vote by Proxy - which means getting someone you trust to cast your vote for you

Vote in person

The UK Government has introduced a requirement for registered electors to show photo ID when voting at a polling station.  To find out what photo ID is acceptable and how to apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate if you don’t have suitable photo ID, visit our Voter ID page.

If you need to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate, the deadline for applications for this election is 5pm on Wednesday 26 June 2024.

If you do not have suitable photo ID you must apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate by 5pm on Wednesday 26 June 2024 by visiting the government web page: Voter Authority Certificate

Vote by Post

If you prefer not to vote in person you can apply for a postal vote; the quickest and easiest way is to complete your application online at APPLY FOR A POSTAL VOTE or to request a paper application form please call 01302 736874 or email electoralservices@doncaster.gov.uk or you can download an application form: Postal Vote application form please print, complete and return forms to ELECTORAL SERVICES, CIVIC OFFICE, WATERDALE, DONCASTER DN1 3BU or we can accept a scanned copy or photo by email to electoralservices@doncaster.gov.uk but it must be clear enough for us to use.

Please complete your online application form or send your completed application form back as soon as possible and make sure that it reaches us by 5pm on Wednesday 19 June 2024 at the very latest. Remember we can accept a scanned copy by email to electoralservices@doncaster.gov.uk but it must be clear enough for us to use. We will then send you a postal vote pack in due course. 

Vote by Proxy

This means you can ask somebody you trust to vote on your behalf, the quickest and easiest way is to apply online at APPLY FOR A PROXY VOTE or to request a paper application form please call 01302 736874 or email electoralservices@doncaster.gov.uk or you can download an application form: Proxy Vote application form  please print, complete and return forms to ELECTORAL SERVICES, CIVIC OFFICE, WATERDALE, DONCASTER DN1 3BU or we can accept a scanned copy by email to electoralservices@doncaster.gov.uk but it must be clear enough for us to use.

You must complete online applications or return your completed paper application form by 5pm on Wednesday 26 June 2024.

Returning your Postal Vote

New rules mean that your postal vote will be rejected if it is not returned correctly.

Please ensure you post your postal vote back as soon as possible to ensure it is delivered in time. If you don't have time to post it back to us, you can hand it in at your local polling station or at Civic Office, Waterdale, Doncaster DN1 3BU.

  • The easiest and most convenient way to return your postal vote is by posting it in a Royal Mail post box using the pre-paid envelope provided (envelope B).
  • Please allow enough time for your postal vote to reach us. It must be received by the Returning Officer not later than 10pm on Thursday 4 July 2024.
  • If you are hand delivering your completed postal vote, for example at a polling station or at the Electoral Services Office, you will need to complete a statutory form. Our staff will help you with this.
  • You can hand deliver your own and no more than 5 other postal votes per election.
  • If you are a political campaigner, you can only hand in your own postal vote, and those of close relatives or people for whom you provide regular care.
  • DO NOT leave your postal vote in any Council Office post boxes, reception points or a polling station desk without completing a form.


Registration deadline

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Deadline for us to receive new applications to vote by post and to change or cancel existing postal and proxy votes

5pm, Wednesday 19 June 2024

Deadline for us to receive new proxy applications

5pm, Wednesday 26 June 2024

Deadline for us to receive new applications for Voter Authority Certificates 

5pm, Wednesday 26 June 2024

Polling day

7am to 10pm, Thursday 4 July 2024


To contact Doncaster Electoral Services:

For advice from the Electoral Commission:


More information:

Last updated: 07 June 2024 17:34:18

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