Doncaster Council believes transparency is a key condition in the drive for the delivery of council services. As a public funded organisation, we have a duty to the local residents we serve to be transparent in our operations. The publication of open data sets is part of our commitment to meet those objectives.

In some cases we need to respect information that could be seen as sensitive due to the Data Protection Act, for example where data relates to the protection of vulnerable adults and children or is not permissible by law.

In most cases the information represents a snapshot at the financial year end. The information will be reconciled to the Statement of Accounts once they are completed.

Important note about CSV files: The information is published in CSV format where possible so that it can be easily read in a variety of applications. The CSV format uses a standard column width and not all entries may be completely visible so to view all the data, you will need to expand the columns. PDF versions of reports are also published in the download section at the bottom of the page.

The following data sets can be found on the appropriate pages:

Human Resources information

We are required to publish various data regarding the authority’s management structure and employees which can be found on the page below.

The organisation chart provides a snapshot of the Council’s position as at the end of the previous financial year. The senior salaries report details those officers in post at the Council during the previous financial year.

Payments to suppliers

For information on expenditure over £250, government procurement card transactions and supplier payment performance, please visit the local transparency - payments to suppliers page.

Procurement Information

Doncaster Council advertise all procurement exercises via a web-based portal called YORtender. Please refer to the link below for further information:-

Contracts Register

A list of current contracts can be found on the link below:-

Waste contracts

Waste contracts will be published in the contracts register but we have also published details of the Council’s waste contracts separately for ease of access.

Grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations

The report contains details of grants paid in 2023-24 and budgets for grants which are intended to be paid in 2024-25.  Where there are no figures in 2023-24 the grant has either ceased or has been replaced by a contract.

Grants to 3rd Sector 2023-24
Download (13KB)

Local authority land

Details of land and building assets owned by the council. Please note that the UPRN numbers have been truncated when the report has been converted to a csv file. The UPRN numbers are 11 digits but those beginning with a zero have been truncated to a 10 digit number when converted to a CSV file. The Excel file should show the reference numbers in full. You will therefore have to add a zero to the beginning of any 10 digit UPRN's when manipulating the data.

Please download the latest list from the resources area

View more information for Doncaster Town Deal - Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO)


Details on parking spaces provided and a breakdown of income and expenditure on the authority’s parking account.

Social Housing Asset Values

Details of the value of social housing stock that is held in the Housing Revenue Account as at 1st April, 2024. The information is published at postal sector level using both Existing Use Value for Social Housing (EUV-SH) and market value. The market value represents the vacant possession value of the property. The market value is adjusted by a regional factor, in this case for Yorkshire and the Humber, to arrive at the EUV-SH value which reflects that sitting tenants enjoy rents lower than the open market rents and tenants' rights including Right to Buy. The difference indicates the economic cost to government of providing council housing at less than open market rents.

Housing Stock Social Housing
Download (10KB)

The figures are provisional figures and will be reconciled back to the statement of accounts once completed.


Most of the information required to be published under the transparency code can be found in the annual Counter Fraud report.  

Fraud Pages

The Constitution

Doncaster Council has an agreed Constitution which sets out how the Council operates, how decisions are made and the procedures which are followed to ensure that these are efficient, transparent and accountable to local people.

Some of these processes are required by law, whilst others are chosen by the Council.

Productivity Plan

This report contains the detail of our Productivity Plan for 2024-25

Productivity Plan 2024-25
Download (740KB - PDF)


Schools Agency and Cover spend

Details of maintained school spend on staff cover and agency spend are shown on the local transparency - schools agency and cover spend page. 

Terms and conditions

You may use and re-use the information featured on these local transparency pages (not including logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License v3.0. 


Last updated: 03 February 2025 16:11:50

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