Parents Accessing Early Years and Childcare Provision - Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice sets out what you need to know about how the City of Doncaster Council (the Council) will use your information on children in order to help administer education and family services. The Council is committed to meeting its data protection obligations and handling your information securely. You should make sure you read and understand this notice before submitting your information to us.

The Early Years and Childcare Setting holds information on children and their families in order to support their development; monitor their progress; apply for funding; provide appropriate pastoral care and self-evaluate their provision for the purposes of Ofsted inspections.


What information about you do we collect?

For the processing to which this notice relates to be carried out we use the following information:
  • child’s unique pupil number
  • child's national health number
  • contact details
  • parent/carer details
  • National Insurance/National Asylum Seeker Service number
  • date of birth
  • attendance information
  • ethnicity
  • personal characteristics relating to family health and environment
  • special educational needs/disabilities including developmental progress
  • dates of statutory assessments
  • Educational settings observations of the child

How do we collect information about you?

We collect your information from Early Years and Childcare Settings who are required to pass on some of this data to the Council, the Department for Education (DfE) and to agencies that are prescribed by law and Ofsted. In particular, at age 2 the child’s Integrated Progress Check and at age 5 an assessment (known as Early Years Foundation Stage Profile) is made of all children and this information is passed to the Council and receiving schools to help meet the child’s needs.

How will your information be used?

Your information might be used by the Council and Commissioned Partners (for example NHS Healthy Child Programme) about children and families for whom they provide services where there is a legal reason to do so. This may also be used for the wider purpose of planning/accessing services for children and families For example, the Council and Commissioned Partners use your information to:
  • claim early years entitlements
  • identify children’s needs through Integrated Health Checks
  • identify children and family’s needs through Children’s Learning and Well-Being Audits
  • safeguard children
  • provide inclusion support
  • inform Early Years Planning and Review Meetings
  • support effective transitions
  • ensure public funds are administered and spent in line with any Statutory Guidance or Code of Practice
  • provide anonymised training materials for Early years providers to ensure statutory assessments are moderated
The information is also used to produce statistics which inform various decisions but without identifying individual children.

The Legal Basis for using your information

The table below sets out the legal basis for each of the activities that this Privacy Notice covers:

Consent (and withdrawing consent)

The Council collects and uses some of the information about you on the basis that you have given us your consent to do so. If this is the case, you may withdraw your consent and ask us not to use information about you by either a letter addressed to the Head of Service for Locality and Early Help Services or an email to  

Who will your information be shared with?

We sometimes need to share your information within the Council or with other organisations. We will only share your information when necessary and when the law allows us to, and we will only share the minimum information we need to. For early identification matters we may need to share your information with:
  • Family Hubs
  • Health services
  • Education providers
  • Early help partners
  • Your Child care provider
  • Sharing with third parties who are carrying out local authority function of determining eligibility for free of charge early years entitlement
In certain cases we may also share your information with other individuals and organisations. For example, if you make a complaint to your Councillor, or if the sharing would help with a safeguarding issue, or help prevent a crime. Sometimes, we might share your information without your knowledge.

The Council will never sell your information to anyone else.

How long will we keep your information?

We will keep your information for different periods of time, depending on what we are using it for. We only keep your information for as long as we need to, after which we will securely delete the information We will keep your information for only so long as is necessary – the table below sets out typical timescales for each activity:


Time information kept for

E-start data base containing information about children and parents in contact with Family hubs

Information is archived and made inactive :record not deleted from system-secure disposal

Children’s learning journeys

Electronic files-archived at the age of 6. Paper file –give to parent/education provider when attending full time nursery provision-secure disposal

Children’s electronic tracking system

Electronic files- archived at age 6

Quality assurance of the IPC process

Electronic files – archived at age of 6

Children’s ASQ and EYFSP

Information is archived and made inactive :record not deleted from system-secure disposal

Records of LA Inclusion Conversations with Settings

Electronic files-archived at age 6

Red book information

Secure disposal – at age of 6

Your rights

The law gives you specific rights over your information. These rights are:
  • to be informed of our use of information about you;
  • of access to information about you;
  • rectify information about you that is inaccurate;
  • to have your information erased (the ‘right to be forgotten’);
  • to restrict how we use information about you;
  • to move your information to a new service provider;
  • to object to how we use information about you;
  • not to have decisions made about you on the basis of automated decision making;
  • to object to direct marketing; and,
  • to complain about anything the Council does with your information (please see the ‘Complaints’ section below).
Some of the rights listed above apply only in certain situations, and some have a limited effect. Your rights are explained further in the Individuals’ Rights Procedure on our website, as is how to make a request under one or more of them. You can request information about yourself by making a subject access request on this page of the Council’s website.

Changes to this privacy notice

This notice is kept under regular review to make sure it is up to date and accurate.

Data Protection Officer (DPO)

The Council is required by law to have a DPO. The DPO has a number of duties, including:
  • monitoring the Council’s compliance with data protection law;
  • providing expert advice and guidance on data protection;
  • acting as the point of contact for data subjects; and,
  • co-operating and consulting with the Information Commissioner’s Office (see ‘Complaints’ below).
The Council’s Data Protection Officer can be contacted by email at 


If you are unhappy with the way in which your information has been handled you should contact the Council’s Data Protection Officer so that we can try and put things right.

Alternatively, and if we have been unable to resolve your complaint, you can also refer the matter to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). The ICO is the UK's independent body set up to uphold information rights, and they can investigate and adjudicate on any data protection related concerns you raise with them. They can be contacted via the methods below:


Telephone: 0303 123 1113 Post: Information Commissioner’s Office Wycliffe House Water Lane Wilmslow Cheshire SK9 5AF



Last updated: 12 June 2024 16:30:00

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