The production of the budget is the means by which the council expresses in financial terms its plans for service provision in the coming year.

Whilst the most visible outcome of the budget process is the declaration of the Council Tax, the budget clearly has a greater significance and meaning for the council:

  • it allocates the council's total financial resources between different directorates, services and portfolios
  • it prioritises resources to align with and deliver the council's strategic planning framework  

2024/25 Budget Approval – Council 26th February, 2024

The following budget reports were approved by Council on the 26th February, 2024:

  • Capital Strategy and Capital Budget 2024/25 to 2027/28 – proposals for spending on major projects known as capital investment
  • Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2024/25 to 2027/28 – seeks to optimise the council’s cash flow and secure the most effective arrangements to support long term funding requirements
  • Revenue Budget 2024/25 to 2026/27 – proposals for revenue income and expenditure for public services.
  • Housing Revenue Account Budget 2024/25 to 2027/28 – proposals for income and expenditure in relation to the Council’s housing stock.
  • Council Tax Setting and Statutory Resolutions 2024/25 - statutory resolutions for council tax.

You can view these documents at: -

Budget Approval - Council 26th February 2024

Members Budget Booklet

The Budget Booklet gives an overview of the budget followed by a breakdown of service specific budgets and details of the Council’s Capital Programme:

Members Budget Book 2024-25
Download (1.63MB - PDF)


Prior Year Budget Approvals

Prior year budget approvals and reports can be viewed by selecting the link below to the relevant financial year:


2023/24 Budget Approval

2022/23 Budget Approval

2021/22 Budget Approval

2020/21 Budget Approval

2019/20 Budget Approval

2018/19 Budget Approval   

2017/18 Budget Approval

2016/17 Budget Approval

Last updated: 28 June 2024 09:56:48

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