Below you will find information on how to stand as a candidate and guidance on the nomination process. Information will continue to be added to this page as it becomes available in the approach to the elections

Local Government Elections - 1 May 2025

The nomination period for all Elections begins on Monday 24 March 2025 and closes at 4pm on Wednesday 2 April 2025

A number of elections are scheduled to take place in Doncaster on Thursday 1 May 2025:

  • Elected Mayor for Doncaster
  • Local Government Councillors for all wards
  • Town/Parish Councillors for all areas

The website Be a Councillor provides general information about becoming a councillor and how you can make a difference in your community.

Briefing Sessions for Candidates and Agents

To help assist candidates and agents, several briefing sessions will be held specifically tailored to each election with relevant information about nominations, campaigning, the election process and general information about standing as a candidate. Nomination packs will also be available for collection at the in-person briefing sessions.

A copy of the briefing presentation will be available upon request for anyone who is unable to take part.

Mayoral Candidates

An in person briefing session took place for prospective Candidates and Agents on Wednesday 5 March at 5:30pm - please e-mail to request a copy of the briefing slides. 

Local Government Councillor Candidates

A virtual briefing session for prospective Candidates and Agents took place on Tuesday 25 February and an in person briefing session took place on Monday 3 March - please e-mail to request a copy of the briefing slides. 

Town/Parish Councillor Candidates

A virtual briefing session for prospective Candidates took place on Wednesday 26 February. 

Tuesday 11 March at 5:00pm - An in person briefing session will take place for prospective Town/Parish Councillor Candidates on Tuesday 11 March at 5:00pm at City of Doncaster Council, Civic Office, Waterdale, Doncaster DN1 3BU. Please arrive at main reception no earlier than 15 minutes before the briefing start time. 

Nomination Packs and Electoral Commission guidance for Candidates and Agents

The nomination period for all Elections begins on Monday 24 March 2025 and closes at 4pm on Wednesday 2 April 2025.  

To help to complete nomination papers correctly we are offering electronic informal checks in advance of formally submitting nomination papers. It is recommended that you arrange an informal check as early as possible as this will give you sufficient time to correct any errors found or submit new forms if required. Informal checks will be carried out electronically and papers need to be scanned and e-mailed to if you are unable to scan a copy then send clear photos. We are also offering a telephone helpline to check your subscribers, Proposer and Seconder electoral numbers in advance, you will need their full name and address before calling 01302 734658 or 01302 736486. Please note this helpline is to obtain electoral numbers only and not to provide guidance or informal checks over the phone. Anyone subscribing to your nomination forms must be on the 1 March Electoral Register so it is recommended that you do not complete papers and get signatures too early in advance. Any queries or help completing nomination papers should be e-mailed to  

You will need to formally submit your final nomination papers and some parts MUST be submitted in person, they cannot be submitted by post, fax, e-mail or other electronic means. You are advised to make an appointment for you or someone you trust to deliver your completed final nomination papers, if you do not arrange an informal check or book an appointment the Deputy Returning Officer may not be free to carry out any checks before you formally submit them or you may be required to wait outside until they are free.   

Nomination Papers must be delivered to Electoral Services, Ground Floor Civic Office, Waterdale, Doncaster, DN1 3BU. On arrival at the Civic Office you will be required to check into reception and then wait to personally deliver them to a member of the Electoral Services Team. Nomination papers can be delivered between the hours of 9.30am and 4.00pm on any day (excluding weekends and bank holidays) from Monday 24 March 2025 until NO LATER THAN 4pm on Wednesday 2 April 2025.

Nomination Papers

Nomination packs are available to collect directly from Electoral Services at City of Doncaster Council, Civic Office Reception Monday to Friday between 8:30am-5:00pm, alternatively they can be e-mailed upon request to or from the 'Downloads & Resources' section at the bottom of this page (please ensure you download the forms before printing) or you can download them from the Electoral Commissions website via the links below where you will also find further candidate guidance:

Mayoral Candidates

Local Government Councillor Candidates

Town/Parish Councillor Candidates

It is recommended that you read this guidance thoroughly to ensure you comply. Please note candidate consent forms must not be signed and dated one calendar month before the nomination deadline date or they will be invalid.  

For a full list of City of Doncaster Council Wards, number of seats and electors per ward, please find attached list under the 'Downloads & Resources' section at the bottom of this page.

For a full list of Town and Parish Councils and the number of seats per ward, please find attached list under the 'Downloads & Resources' section at the bottom of this page  


Mayoral candidate deposit and Election Address in the Mayoral Booklet

To stand as a candidate in the Doncaster Mayoral election a deposit of £500 is required. There is also the option to produce an election address to appear in the Doncaster Mayoral booklet, an additional non refundable £1,000 payment is required. Further information can be found by clicking the links below:

 Mayoral Candidate Deposit


Mayoral Candidate Deposit
Download (36KB - PDF)

Election Address - Mayoral Booklet (optional)



Mayoral Election Address Booklet
Download (44KB - PDF)


Deposits must be received NO LATER THAN 4pm on Wednesday 2 April 2025, otherwise the candidate is not validly nominated.

Election address booklet fees must also be received by NO LATER THAN 4pm on Wednesday 2 April 2025 to be included in the booklet.


Our preferred method of payment is by debit or credit card. To make a payment over the phone please call 01302 734658 or 01302 736486 and have your bank card ready, alternatively card payments can be taken in person. If necessary, payments can also be made by cash or bank transfer. If you wish to pay via bank transfer, please e-mail for bank details.

£500 deposit will be refunded to those candidates that receive more than 5% of the valid vote. 

Timeline, important dates and information

The Electoral Commission timetable is available to download below.

Download (62KB - PDF)


The statutory notices of election for all polls to be held on 1 May 2025 will be published on 24 March 2025 and will be available on the following page - Local Government Elections - 1 May 2025

How to vote:

If you would like information on how to vote at these elections, please visit Information for Voters


For advice from the Electoral Commission:

To contact Doncasters Electoral Services:

More information:

Electoral Commission - standing as a candidate

Upcoming Elections

Local Government Elections - 1 May 2025

Information for Voters

Last updated: 10 March 2025 12:33:56

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