Development signage on the public highway (Temporary Direction)

This page provides the procedures adopted by City of Doncaster Council to deal with applications for temporary new development signs on the Public Highway in accordance with current highway and planning regulations. New street nameplate signage enquiries can be submitted via the link here

Sample sign - New Development Temporary Signage

New street nameplate information can be found by following the link here Street Nameplates

Initial Application

Applications for the erection of temporary signs shall be submitted by:

  • email to
  • or by post to Temporary Site Development Signs applications, City of Doncaster Council, Highway Operations, North Bridge Depot, North Bridge Road, Doncaster, DN5 9AN.
Temporary signs cannot be approved unless requests received are by email or post as noted above and shall include all components listed within this section.

Application Criteria

Applications shall be accepted from approved signing contractors (including motoring organisations) only.

The applicant shall acquire Third Party liability insurance of not less than £10m for any claim, which may arise from placing any sign on the highway. The applicant shall, when required by City of Doncaster Council, provide evidence of such insurance for each application made.

A schedule of the proposed signs with type of sign, locations, fixing details and wind loading details, including items of street furniture (City of Doncaster Council asset number i.e. sign number S12354 or Lamp Column number LC51423) for which a sign is proposed to be fixed, shall be submitted to City of Doncaster Council a minimum of four weeks before the signs are required.

 How to Apply

Download the Development signage policy below:

Devolepment Signage Policy 2023
Download (236KB - PDF)
  • Fill in the application form and provide associated site details
  • Return to Temporary Site Development Signs applications, City of Doncaster Council, Highway Operations, North Bridge Depot, North Bridge Road, Doncaster, DN5 9AN or via email:

 Application Review

On receipt of the application City ofDoncaster Council will review the information and advise of any amendments required. On verbal acceptance of the application Doncaster Council will raise an account for the first 12 months permit application fee. On receipt of the payment City of Doncaster Council will approve the installation of the signs for a 12 MONTH PERIOD. 

 Extension Applications

If an extension is required beyond the initial 12-month period a further application of extension will require approval, each subsequent extension will be assessed and if approved a further 12 month period shall be granted subject to receipt of the extension fee.

Each extension shall be for a 12-month period.

An extension application request should be made for approval at least 30 working days prior to the end of the existing 12-month term. If an extension application, is not received prior to the expiry of the existing agreement City of Doncaster Council reserve the right to charge for the following 12 months.

If payment is not received within 28 working days of the bill being raised Doncaster Council would expect the signs to be removed within 30 days of the end of the initial agreement at the applicant’s expense.

Permit Application Fees

Current Fees up to 31st March 2025:

  • Initial Application and 12 month permit : £495
  • Each subsequent 12 month extension period : £495




Last updated: 26 October 2023 13:31:28

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