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Road markings, signs and speed limits
Road signs are installed to regulate, advise and give directional information to the road user.
The Highway Code gives examples of the most common signs in normal use. All traffic signs on public roads must be as prescribed in the Traffic Signs Manual, or specifically authorised by the Department for Transport.
Signs fall into certain groups:
- Regulatory signs - signs with red circles
- Warning signs - mostly triangular
- Direction signs - mostly rectangular. Destinations and map type
- Information signs - mostly rectangular
- Tourism signs - mostly rectangular on a brown background
All signs on the highway must be authorised by the authority. Special signs are allowed with prior approval of the Department for Transport, or if they are experimental and under trial.
It is Doncaster Council's responsibility to ensure that road signs are installed, maintained and approved. Should you have an issue with a road sign, or wish to report or request a road sign please contact us using the e-forms below:
To report damaged, missing or illegible street signs and names plates please complete the online report form below:
Road markings are as important as signs. They are provided to contribute to a safe driving environment and to convey information to road users which might not be possible using upright signs. Doncaster Council, as statutory Highway Authority for the Borough, undertakes the marking and signage on all public highways in Doncaster.
If you wish to make a report on worn road markings, please use the following eform:
Road markings make a vital contribution to safety, e.g. by clearly defining the path to be followed through hazards, by separating conflicting movements and by delineating the road in poor weather conditions or at night. They can also help to improve junction capacity and make the best use of available road space.
Examples of the most common types in use can be found in the Highway Code.
White lines
White road markings are generally advisory. At junctions they indicate priorities, and as centre lines or lane lines, they indicate the best line for vehicles to follow.
"I"bars - these can be used as an advisory marking to highlight a private entrance where vehicular access is required. Any parked vehicle parked across an access is classed as an obstruction and as such can only be dealt with by the Police. However, obstruction in residential areas is mainly caused by residents or neighbours. Every effort should be made between the parties involved to resolve the situation as provision of an "I" bar is unlikely to solve the problem. Priority consideration will be given to residents who have a disability.
Yellow lines
Yellow lines are provided where there is a need to restrict parking, help traffic flow and to prevent obstruction on the highway. Yellow markings include:
- Double yellow lines
- Single yellow lines
- Loading restrictions
- School Keep Clear markings
- Yellow box junction markings
Speed limits
The Council is responsible for speed limits on all public roads within Doncaster, except for motorways and trunk roads which are the responsibility of the Highways Agency.
Information on the speed limits you would expect to come across on the different categories of road within the Borough is given in chart form in the Highway Code.
Measures for influencing the speed of vehicles generally fall into two categories:
- Legislative
- Physical
Speed limits fall into the first category, whereas traffic calming would fall into the second.
In its role as Highway Authority, the Council is empowered under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to make Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) to limit vehicle speeds. The procedures for making TROs are laid down by the Secretary of State for Transport and must be observed by the order-making authority.
All roads are subject to a maximum speed limit unless a lower speed limit applies. The national limits are as follows:
- Motorways and dual carriageways - 70 miles per hour (mph)
- Single carriageways - 60 mph
- "restricted" roads - 30 mph (a restricted road is one with a system of street lighting consisting of lamps placed not more than 183 metres apart. We are not permitted legally to place 30 mph repeater signs on restricted roads, as the lighting in the area is evidence that a 30 mph speed limit is in place)
Local speed limits can be set at 20 mph, 40 mph or 50 mph, and when chosen for a particular road must be appropriate for the conditions so that the majority of drivers will obey the limit without the need for constant enforcement.
When deciding upon the most appropriate speed limit for the road the Council must follow the national criteria laid down by the Department for Transport (DfT) which includes the following main factors
- the existing speed of traffic
- the surrounding environment
- the safety record of the road
Any requested change to an existing speed limit requires the support of the Police to proceed, and enforcement of speed limits in Doncaster is the responsibility of South Yorkshire Police.
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