Section 58 restrictions under the New Road and Street Works act 1991

A Section 58 restriction prevents statutory undertakers from digging up the road for a period of between one to five years after the road has been resurfaced or reconstructed, unless the work is an emergency or needed to provide a new customer service.

  • Exempt works and reduced restrictions

    Works which are exempt or subject to reduced restrictions are:

    • minor works that do not involve breaking up or excavating in the highway.
    • immediate works (for emergency/urgent purposes) however the street work team will require a site meeting.
    • customer connections (after a 20 day period).
    • works to comply with either an improvement notice or prohibition notice issued by the Health and Safety Executive under sections 21 or 22 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.


  • If the proposed works do not fall within one of the exempt categories, then the works may be carried out, but only with the authority’s consent.
  • At present the following Section 58 restrictions apply:



S58 list
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Last updated: 05 July 2024 16:28:55

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