How to report traffic congestion problems, and advice about parked cars that are causing problems.

The traffic management section is responsible for: 

  • traffic signs
  • road markings
  • making Traffic Regulation Orders
  • local traffic management schemes
  • and responding to queries and requests in relation to these

If you wish to report traffic congestion use the eform below:

Report traffic congestion eForm

If you wish to request traffic calming measures please use the following form:

Request traffic calming measures

Related pages

Frequently asked questions:

Cars are always parked outside my house. Can I stop them?

If the vehicles are legally parked (i.e. not on yellow lines), taxed and are not causing an obstruction then they are entitled to park there, even though it may be outside your property. The highway is maintained at public expense and therefore no individual has any more right to park on it than any other. 

Residency or ownership of a property does not provide a right to a parking space in front of or near to your home, unless that property is located on a private road that is maintained solely by its residents.

What can be done to stop vehicles parking on the pavement?

We currently have no powers to stop this from happening unless there are parking restrictions present.  It is an enforcement matter for South Yorkshire Police and you should contact them directly.

At school opening and closing times parents picking up their children prevent me parking near my house. Can anything be done?

School parking problems exist for a short period of time in a morning and in an afternoon.  Introducing parking restrictions would prove restrictive to residents as it would prevent them from parking near to their homes for a much longer period of time.

Can I have a mirror on the road to help me when leaving my driveway?

We will not place mirrors on the highway as they do not appear within the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Direction 2002 and would therefore require special authorisation from the Department for Transport. This is a lengthy process and permission is unlikely to be given except in exceptional circumstances.

What can I do to help?

We all have a responsibility as users of the highway whether as a pedestrian, cyclist, motorcyclist or car driver, to ensure that we follow the rules and guidance set out in the Highway Code.

Here are a few things we can all do that would help to improve the management and flow of traffic on the highway.

  1. Do not park at dropped kerbs.  This causes great inconvenience and creates potential danger, particularly for the elderly, mobility impaired and parents with prams and pushchairs.
  2. Do not stop your car near a school entrance
  3. Do not park on the pavement.  Parking on the pavement is classed as obstruction and can be dealt with by the police. It can seriously inconvenience pedestrians.
  4. Do not park opposite or within 10 metres of a junction, except in an authorised parking space.
  5. Do not park across a private driveway or entrance.  This causes inconvenience and frustration to others.
  6. Always give way to pedestrians at a zebra crossing and to school crossing patrols.
  7. Reduce your speed to below 20mph in the vicinity of a school.
  8. Give way to buses leaving bus stops.
  9. Be aware of cyclists and motorcyclists, particularly when turning and when opening car doors.
  10. Do not place advertising boards or obstructions on footways.
  11. By driving your child to school YOU cause problems regarding the safety of other children.


Temporary traffic management

For temporary traffic management please see the following page Temporary Traffic Management

Last updated: 17 December 2024 08:32:37

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