Transportation Unit
The Transportation Unit is responsible for developing transportation strategy for Doncaster in line with the South Yorkshire Local Transport Plan (SYLTP).
These strategies aim to tackle the escalating growth in car traffic, improve access to jobs, services and facilities by providing more travel choice and improve safety for all travellers. Within Doncaster we have taken forward the vision of the South Yorkshire Local Transport Plan and developed specific strategies for parking and cycling.
The Unit also promotes green transport issues, encouraging the take up of travel plans by external organisations and overseeing the implementation of the council's own travel plan which aims to reduce reliance on the private car.
It also provides links to public transport information.
The Transportation Unit is involved in the planning stages of major projects such as the White Rose Way Improvement Scheme and the Finningley And Rossington Regeneration Route Scheme(FARRRS) which can be found on the transport schemes and projects page.
The Unit is also responsible for developing transportation strategies for Doncaster in line with the South Yorkshire Local Transport Plan and in accordance with the Sheffield City Region Local Enterprise Partnership and the Combined Authority (which replaced the South Yorkshire Integrated Transport Authority from April). Please see the links to the LTP, Sheffield City Region LEP and Combined Authority for further information. Capital funding for major schemes is via the Sheffield City Region Investment Fund. The Unit also establishes the annual minor works capital programme which funds traffic management, road safety and sustainable transport measures from government grants.
Highway Development Control is responsible for ensuring that the council's highway's and transport assets are protected from development through consultation on planning applications. Where appropriate developers would need to provide a Transport Assessment and Travel Plan.
The South Yorkshire Residential Design Guidance also provides information on requirements for new highways.
Contact details for all public transport information
01709 515151