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Showing 1 - 10 of 167 results
City of Doncaster Council Apprenticeships may have decided that sixth form or university isn’t right for you and have opted to ‘earn while you learn’, and we think you have made an excellent choice! Apprentices are valued members of the team here at Doncaster Council’s award-winning Apprenticeship Programme. Join us and gain hands on experience while working towards a relevant and useful qualification.
Doncaster - St George's conservation area - St George's was designated a conservation area on 15 September 1997.
Service Area: Housing out about affordable housing, applying for housing in a council house or housing association property, home alarm service, renting a house, home improvements, energy saving advice and grants.
Display your introduction over featured image?: Yes
Insurance Claims Insurance Team provide comprehensive insurance advice, arranges/places appropriate insurance cover and handles claims for Doncaster Council and all clients that it directly supports, including LEA Schools and St Leger Homes of Doncaster.
Report it: Dumped rubbish / fly-tipping report dumped rubbish or fly-tipping.
Environmental Pride funding applications Pride was set up at the beginning of 2022 to support community-led environmental improvement projects in Doncaster. St Leger Homes and City of Doncaster Council led the programme, alongside active partnership from Voluntary Action Doncaster, private companies identified by Doncaster Chamber, DN Colleges Group and E.N. North.
Leger Way Active Travel Consultation of Doncaster Council is seeking comments from residents and businesses on a proposed scheme to improve facilities for walking, wheeling and cycling that make it safer, easier and more enjoyable to walk children to school, cycle to work, walk to the bus stop or to shops and other amenities.
Social Housing Regulation 2024 saw the implementation of a new consumer-focused regime to ensure the voice of residents is heard and to rebalance the relationship between tenant and Registered Social Landlords. A key element of this is that landlords need to demonstrate that tenants have been involved at every level of decision-making.
Council jobs're one of the largest employers in the area and often have vacancies across a wide range of different roles.
YourVoice- Careers and Learning you know what you want to be? What career you want to do? Whose footsteps to follow?
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