Content tagged with: adult social care
Adult Social Care Practice Framework vision is for every person in Doncaster to live in the place they call home with the people and things that they love, in communities where they look out for one another, doing things that matter to them.
Caldicott Guardian Caldicott Guardian is a senior person responsible for protecting the confidentiality of people's health and care information and making sure it is used properly.
Your Care and Support : Doncaster 2023 - Adults, Health and Wellbeing Local Account vision is for every person in Doncaster to live in the place they call home with the people and things that they love, in communities where they look out for one another, doing things that matter to them.
Careers in Adult Social Care you’re passionate about helping people there are lots of different roles to choose from. There are also plenty of opportunities to progress or specialise in a particular area.
Adult Social Care Policies, Plans and Partnership Working Social Care policies and plans.
Adults, Wellbeing & Culture - Freedom of Information/Environmental Information Regulations - 2023/2024 on the topics below to view some of the Council's responses to Freedom of Information requests answered by the directorate Adults, Wellbeing & Culture.
Third Party Top-Up Fees page aims to help you and your relative or friend understand how third-party top up fees work.
Who are the Workforce? what do they do?
Adult Social Care Workforce Development can we develop our workforce?
Adults, Health & Wellbeing - Freedom of Information/Environmental Information Regulations - 2022/2023 on the topics below to view some of the Council's responses to Freedom of Information requests answered by the directorate Adults, Health & Wellbeing.