Content tagged with: council tax
Council Tax discount for Care Leavers discretionary powers given to Local Councils under Section 13A of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, City of Doncaster Council has introduced a new policy providing additional support to young people leaving its care and entering into their initial years of independent living.
Report it: Report the death of a taxpayer to the Council Tax team can use this form to Report the death of a taxpayer to the Council Tax team. Provide a copy of a deceased taxpayer's will. Provide...
Tell us about a change of occupancy or address need to let us know if you plan to, or have moved into, within or out of the Doncaster area, or if there is a change in your household, as this will affect the Council Tax you need to pay.
Council Tax unoccupied property exemptions are available for empty properties and those which are not occupied. An exemption means that there is no Council Tax to pay.
Council Tax scams, alerts and announcements there are Council Tax scams and frauds that we may need to tell you about. You will find details about any known scams and any other alerts on this page.
Council Tax Exemptions for property annexes certain circumstances, a discount or exemption may apply to some annexe properties.
My Council Tax debt has been passed to an Enforcement Agent out information and advice about what to do if your Council Tax debt has been passed to an Enforcement Agent for collection.
Having difficulty paying your Council Tax? you are having difficulty paying your Council Tax, you should let us know as soon as possible. The links of this page might help you identify any support that might be available to you.
Information for landlords and managing agents you are a landlord or managing agent, you can tell us about a change in tenant, or tenancy using our online form.
Apply for it: Submit a Council Tax or Business Rates general enquiry form contact the Council Tax or Business Rates team about any aspect of your Council Tax or Business Rates, including help and advice on: Payment...