Content tagged with: discounts
Council Tax discounts and exemptions Tax assumes two adults (aged 18 and over) are living in your property but in some circumstances you may be entitled to a reduction of the amount you are required to pay. Details about and how to apply for the the discounts and exemptions available from your Council Tax can be found below.
Apply for it: Apply for a Carer or Care Worker discount apply for a Carer or Care Worker discount on your Council Tax. A Carer is a person who lives with and cares for an elderly or disabled...
Apply for it: Care Leavers (under the age of 25 years) application form apply for a Care Leaver's reduction of 100% on your Council Tax. To qualify for the care leaver’s reduction, the following must apply:...
Council Tax discount for Care Leavers discretionary powers given to Local Councils under Section 13A of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, City of Doncaster Council has introduced a new policy providing additional support to young people leaving its care and entering into their initial years of independent living.
Report it: Report the death of a taxpayer to the Council Tax team can use this form to Report the death of a taxpayer to the Council Tax team. Provide a copy of a deceased taxpayer's will. Provide...
Apply for it: Together Information Exchange (TIE) Application form parents/carers of a child with a disability to apply for the TIE activity discount card and become registered on the TIE database. Together...
My Council Tax debt has been passed to an Enforcement Agent out information and advice about what to do if your Council Tax debt has been passed to an Enforcement Agent for collection.
Ways to reduce your Council Tax bill about the ways that you might be able to reduce your Council Tax bill, either through direct support towards your bill, or as a discount or exemption.
Council Tax Single Occupier discount you are the only adult over the age of 18 living in the property, you may be entitled to a 25% reduction off your Council Tax.
Council Tax discounts for religious persons discount or exemption may be available to properties used or kept for or by religious persons or groups.