Content tagged with: dog fouling
Prosecutions - Public Spaces Protection Order Dogs and Dog Control following named people have been prosecuted, following a full trial, for breach of the Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) relating to Dogs and Dog Control. This PSPO covers dog fouling, dogs in dog exclusion areas, not having the means to pick up after a dog, and failure to have a dog on a lead when required or requested by an authorised officer. Breaching a Public Spaces Protection Order is an offence under section 67 of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.
This is my Doncaster - Get involved'This is my Doncaster' is a campaign all about getting local people to take pride in their community.
Litter have a responsibility under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 to act as the litter authority for the Doncaster borough. This responsibility applies to all council owned land and includes: street cleaning, litter collection, the removal of detritus, fly-posting, graffiti and fly-tipping.
Fixed penalty fines fixed penalty notice is a fine.
Report it: Litter bin or dog fouling bin problems report an issue with a council litter bin or dog fouling bin; such as damaged or overflowing, or to request a bin. If you request a bin this will...
Public Spaces Protection Order Dogs and Dog Control introduction of a city-wide Public Space Protection Order under the new powers will replaced the outdated legislation relating to dog fouling and dog control.
Public Spaces Protection Order Dogs and Dog Control - FAQs Public Space Protection Order for Dogs and Dog Control is in force across the whole City of Doncaster and applies to all land that the public has reasonable access to.
Service Area: Environment out how to report fly tipping, littering, public health issues and abandoned vehicles. Get information on emergency planning, environmental health, pollution, climate change and flooding.
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Report it: Dog fouling report an incident of dog fouling.
Environmental Crime - Youth Reparation Scheme scheme for dealing with youths that have been witnessed committing environmental crime.