Content tagged with: education
Doncaster Schools Forum Schools Forum has a formal legal standing and must be consulted by the local authority on numerous issues relating to the financial matters of schools/education services:
Local Offer - Specialist Education Support Services here for specialist education support services
Remake Learning Days Doncaster curiosity, spark passion, love learning
Local Offer - Education and Learning support for children and young people who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Learning Provision Organisation page details the current status of school reviews being carried out in Doncaster with relevant downloadable documents, ways of commenting on the proposals, and results of those reviews that have been completed.
Funded childcare places for eligible 2 year olds entitlement to childcare is a government scheme, which allows some 2-year-olds to attend education or childcare settings in Doncaster. Children can attend a setting for a maximum of 15 hours over 38 weeks. That’s a total of 570 hours per year in which your child could be having fun, learning and making friends. Find out more below...don't miss out!
Day Opportunities in Doncaster (Supportive Multi-Ability Inter-Generational Life Experiences) provides day activities and projects for older people, adults with learning disabilities, autism and individuals who require specialist support.
Training in First Aid, Food Safety & Health & Safety topics list of all the training courses that Doncaster Corporate Health & Safety Training Team provide for members of the public. Course dates below:
Road safety education Road Safety Education unit works to reduce the number and severity of accidents on the roads by means of education, training and publicity.
School Governors of pages for School Governors and people who want to be a School Governor.