Content tagged with: litter
Litter have a responsibility under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 to act as the litter authority for the Doncaster borough. This responsibility applies to all council owned land and includes: street cleaning, litter collection, the removal of detritus, fly-posting, graffiti and fly-tipping.
Fixed penalty fines fixed penalty notice is a fine.
This is my Doncaster - Get involved'This is my Doncaster' is a campaign all about getting local people to take pride in their community.
Prosecutions - depositing litter following named people have been prosecuted, following a full trial, for dropping litter. The majority of cases for littering are dealt with via a Single Justice Procedure, a summary of these results can be found below.
Report it: Litter bin or dog fouling bin problems report an issue with a council litter bin or dog fouling bin; such as damaged or overflowing, or to request a bin. If you request a bin this will...
Street cleaning Street Scene team are responsible for keeping the streets of Doncaster clean and safe for residents to enjoy.
Report it: Littering report an incident of littering.
Environmental Crime - Youth Reparation Scheme scheme for dealing with youths that have been witnessed committing environmental crime.