Content tagged with: permit
Apply for it: Household Waste Recycling Centre Pass create an online customer account to apply for a vehicle pass to access a Household Waste Recycling Centre, if you have a medium or large...
Licence for Scaffolding, Hoarding, Mobile Crane and Oversail carrying out any building work/maintenance or removal of any part of a property which is adjacent to the public highway (road, pavement or rear access road), the safety of all users of the highway is paramount.
What you need to visit a Household Waste Recycling Centre may need to have a pass (formerly known as permits) to visit a household waste recycling centre (tip) in Doncaster or Barnsley. To apply for a pass you need to register online for a recycling centre account.
The Doncaster Permit Scheme Doncaster Permit Scheme is intended to deliver public benefits by minimising the inconvenience and disruption caused by road works to all road users
Environmental Permits to Control Emissions Pollution Control team are responsible for the regulation of emissions from a number of industrial and commercial processes within the borough. This is achieved by issuing a permit under the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016 (as amended).
Apply for it: Section 19 Standard Permit: Not for profit passenger transport application refer to the linked page via the Do it Now button below.
Child Employment people who have part time jobs often find it is a positive and rewarding experience. Many young people have part time jobs and The City of Doncaster Council want to make sure the jobs they do are safe and have no impact on their education or health and well-being.
Applying for dispensations is a dispensation?
Licence for Skip Operators place a skip on the highway, without first applying for and being granted a licence, is an offence under The Highways Act 1980 and may result in prosecution
Commercial Waste Skip - Q&A companies wishing to apply for a permit to deposit a skip on the highway must apply for a permit: