Content tagged with: plans
Community Investment Masterplans Council has produced a first round of Community Investment Masterplans covering the communities of Edlington, Rossington and Thorne-Moorends.
Council House Build Programmes of Doncaster Council Strategic Housing team provide high quality affordable homes for rent, which meet the needs of Doncaster’s local communities. Our recent new homes built for rent across the borough, feature modern heating systems, insulation, Solar PV and EV chargers.
Doncaster biodiversity action plan Biodiversity Action Partnership has produced a Local Biodiversity Action Plan (LBAP) for the borough.
Armthorpe Neighbourhood Development Plan - Made Parish Council Neighbourhood Development Plan
Neighbourhood Plans - Latest News the Localism Act the government is giving local communities new powers to have a direct say in the future development of their neighbourhood, parish or town. A Neighbourhood Plan is a planning document that guides and shapes development in the local area and is created by local people. Here you can get the latest updates for the Neighbourhood Plans currently in progress
Tickhill Neighbourhood Development Plan Town Council Neighbourhood Development Plan
Thorne and Moorends Neighbourhood Development Plan and Moorends Town Council Neighbourhood Development Plan
Habitat action plans part of the Local Biodiversity Action Plan (LBAP), habitat statements have been produced for a number of broad habitat categories.
Doncaster Council Highway Communication Plan Council's Highway Communication Plan allows transparent and practical communication to be shared with relevant stakeholders when a major scheme, works or event impacts the highway network. The information in Sections 1 to 6 outline the purpose of the plan, key stakeholders to consider and how information can be shared. Major schemes and works should use the format set out in Appendix 1 for their communication plans. Please download Appendix 1 and populate it with scheme-specific information.
Adult Social Care Policies, Plans and Partnership Working Social Care policies and plans.