Content tagged with: pollution
Air quality reports available to the public our air quality reports below.
Environmental Permits to Control Emissions Pollution Control team are responsible for the regulation of emissions from a number of industrial and commercial processes within the borough. This is achieved by issuing a permit under the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016 (as amended).
Air pollution in Doncaster quality of the air we breathe is affected by many factors.
Pollution and guidance on pollution
Air quality and pollution control air pollution levels in the Doncaster area.
Service Area: Animal welfare, pests & pollution out about lost and found dogs, animal boarding, pollution, animal licensing, how to report a stray dog or horse and to request pest control treatment.
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Service Area: Environment out how to report fly tipping, littering, public health issues and abandoned vehicles. Get information on emergency planning, environmental health, pollution, climate change and flooding.
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Local climate impact on Doncaster Council has used the Local Climate Impact Profile (LCLIP) to identify the main weather events which have affected the borough and shows the climate trends such as temperature, rainfall etc.
Pollution control the provisions of the Environmental Permitting (England & Wales) Regulations 2010 and the Environment Act 1995 the Council's pollution section covers a wide range of activities.