Content tagged with: review
Review of polling districts, polling places and polling stations accordance with the Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places (Parliamentary Elections) Regulations 2006, Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council has conducted a review of all polling districts and polling places in the district’s parliamentary constituencies.
Safeguarding Adults Reviews of the core duties is that Safeguarding Adults Boards must arrange and undertake Safeguarding Adults Reviews when the criteria is met in accordance with s44 Care Act. The multi-agency Doncaster Safeguarding Adults Board (DSAB) has the lead responsibility for agreeing and conducting a Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR), previously known as a serious case review/lessons learned reviews.
Electoral Review Local Government Boundary Commission for England has carried out an electoral review of the borough of Doncaster.
Reviewing responses to antisocial behaviour can request a review of a case of antisocial behaviour that you reported to make sure that agencies have provided an appropriate response.
Single occupier discount review households are being urged to tell The Council if they are claiming Council Tax discounts they are not entitled to.