Content tagged with: roads
Mud on Road Guidance guidance notes refer to instances where an owner/occupier or contractor of land or property adjacent to a highway deposits soil, mud or other debris upon a highway. The definition of a public highway includes footways, footpaths and adjacent verges, bridleways as well as the road itself whether adopted or not.
Highways programme of works Council deliver a wide range of work on the public highway, both planned scheme work and reactive maintenance work. Details of our planned maintenance programmes can be found here.
Pedestrian crossings pedestrian crossings have been installed across the borough to increase pedestrian safety and encourage more people to walk, they include:
Traffic management to report traffic congestion problems, and advice about parked cars that are causing problems.
Report it: Spillages on the road report the spillage of any material on the road that represents an immediate hazard to all road users, particularly motorcycle and bicycle...
Adopted Highway Register information regarding public highways within Doncaster and how to view the Highways Register.
Get Ready for Winter previous winters Doncaster, like much of the UK, suffered from severe bouts of weather which caused disruption and had a dramatic affect on everyday life. To help you better prepare for winter ahead, this page contains some important information, contacts and web links.
Licence for Streetworks (Section 50 licence) person or organisation wishing to excavate in the public highway not being a statutory undertaker must obtain a licence under Section 50 of the New Roads and Streetworks Act 1991
Report it: Street sign issues report damaged, missing or illegible street signs and name plates.
Street cleaning Street Scene team are responsible for keeping the streets of Doncaster clean and safe for residents to enjoy.