Content tagged with: safeguarding
Applying for and obtaining a DoLS authorisation Supervisory Body is responsible for assessing and authorising a deprivation of liberty. The City of Doncaster Council acts as the Supervisory Body for its locality and has overall management of the DoLS process. The role involves considering requests for authorisations, commissioning assessments to be undertaken, and from all assessments determine if a deprivation of liberty is occurring and grants the authorisation.
How to report a concern you are concerned that a hospital or care home has or may have been depriving a person of their liberty without applying for DoLS authorisation, you should report your concerns. In the first instance, advise the hospital or care home of your concerns wherever possible, so they can review the arrangements considering your comments.
DoLS Guidance for Managing Authorities Authorities (care homes and hospitals) have a duty to provide care within the provisions of the Mental Capacity Act, ensuring any decisions made on behalf of a person who lacks capacity are in their best interests and achieved in a way that is least restrictive of the person’s rights and freedom. If these care arrangements amount to a deprivation of liberty managing authorities must ensure they are not unlawfully depriving a person by failing to make an application for a DoLS authorisation.
Service Area: Adult Social Care Social Care helps people who need some extra support to live a good life. This section explains how Adult Social Care works in Doncaster, and how you can find the right support for yourself or for someone you care about.
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Report it: Safeguarding concern - adult abuse report form To report a safeguarding concern about an adult at risk of abuse. Phone: Emergency out of hours number: 01302 796000 For...
Domestic Abuse Protocol Doncaster Domestic Abuse Protocol has been refreshed! Please check out this latest version, published in June 2023, to see information about changes introduced through the Domestic Act 2021, details of new initiatives and referral pathways and new information and guidance about domestic abuse and how to respond to victims and perpetrators.
Parenting and Family Hubs ever said parenting was easy, in fact, we think it can be one of the most challenging jobs there is. But it is also one of the most rewarding.
Safeguarding Adults aim to support Adults at risk to retain independence and be able to live a life free from abuse and neglect. Everyone has the right to be safe, to be respected, to be heard. Everyone has a role to play to make this happen.
Safeguarding Events page contains regular updates on any safeguarding events happening in Doncaster.
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) see the links below for information about Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards.