Content tagged with: school
Doncaster Schools Forum Schools Forum has a formal legal standing and must be consulted by the local authority on numerous issues relating to the financial matters of schools/education services:
About school governors Governors are the largest volunteer force in the country.
Schools Finance Service and documents below about the Schools Finance Service, school financial regulations, school outturn statements and the Scheme for Financing Schools
Making a complaint relating to a school a complaint about an incident that has occurred in school
School Governor training training programme is available that offers a variety of courses covering issues involved in the roles and responsibilities of Governing Bodies.
Virtual School Children in Care team Virtual School - Children in Care team The Virtual School isn't a real school in a building of its own. It is the team of professionals who monitor the educational offer for children in care.
Local Offer - Education and Learning support for children and young people who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Domestic Abuse Protocol Doncaster Domestic Abuse Protocol has been refreshed! Please check out this latest version, published in June 2023, to see information about changes introduced through the Domestic Act 2021, details of new initiatives and referral pathways and new information and guidance about domestic abuse and how to respond to victims and perpetrators.
Learning Provision Organisation page details the current status of school reviews being carried out in Doncaster with relevant downloadable documents, ways of commenting on the proposals, and results of those reviews that have been completed.
Families Information Service (FIS) and Childcare Information Service provides information, advice and guidance for parents, carers, practitioners, children and young people on a wide range of services and activities/events available in Doncaster and beyond.