Content tagged with: school
Our work in schools and the community offer a carefully monitored service including support to schools and professional instrumental teaching, further details are shown below.
Chaperone Requirements for Children child taking part in any performance which can include (but is not limited to) TV appearances, filming, theatre, sporting activities or modelling will require a chaperone. Chaperones act in 'loco parentis' and should exercise the care which a parent would be expected to give that child.
Promoting Good Attendance & Punctuality is a clear link between attendance and attainment. Being in school is important to a child’s achievement, wellbeing, and wider development. Evidence shows that the students with the highest attendance throughout their time in school gain the best GCSE and A Level results.
School uniform do not provide any help towards the cost of school uniform, however you can contact the school to discuss any help they may be able to provide.
School Governance Service - Privacy Notice Privacy Notice sets out what you need to know about how the City of Doncaster Council (the Council) will use your information for the clerking service to schools and academies and recruitment of Governors. The Council is committed to meeting its data protection obligations and handling your information securely. You should make sure you read and understand this notice before submitting your information to us
Privacy Notice - School and Nursery Applications City of Doncaster Council (the Council) uses information about you and your child to consider applications for admission to school, including school nursery classes and requests for school transfers. The Council is committed to meeting its data protection obligations and handling your information securely. This Notice sets out what you need to know about how we will use your information. You should make sure you read and understand this notice before submitting your information to us.
School Parking Enforcement A Safer Environment Around Schools
Schools leasing leasing arrangement is a contract, extending beyond the period of one financial year, purely for the finance of an asset.
Schools procurement rules and guidance guide to procurement for schools
School meals below about Doncaster Schools Catering, free school meals and staff vacancies: