Content tagged with: send
Local Offer - Mental Health and Wellbeing after your mental health and wellbeing is just as important as looking after your physical health. There is lots of support available to help you and your family in our city.
Local Offer - Get Involved, Latest News and Feedback about the latest updates, find out how you can get involved and give us your honest feedback on the Local Offer.
Local Offer - Early Years - Child Development children grow and develop at their own pace; but it's important to monitor children’s development and learning because the earlier a special educational need (SEN) is identified, the better a child’s chances are of achieving their full potential. This page provides information on child development in the early years (0-5 years), and what you can do if you have concerns about your child's development.
Local Offer - Health - Everything Else other health services which may support children and young people.
SEND Youth Hubs believe all children and young people should have access to all of our Youth Hubs and we pride ourselves in making sure we provide a safe, welcoming environment for all children and young People to be themselves, participate in fun activities and meet new friends. All of our Youth Hubs have disabled access, toilets and lifts.
Local Offer - Challenging Behaviour behaviour can include a range of behaviours such as hurting others or themselves, destructive behaviours and more.
Local Offer - Speech, Language and Communication, language and communication needs can include difficulties making sense of language or understanding how to communicate effectively and appropriately with others.
Choosing a Childcare Provider the right childcare provider for your family can sometimes be a difficult task and there are lots of options to choose from. Families Information Service have written a short guide to help you find a childcare provider which best suits the needs of you and your family.
Apply for it: Together Information Exchange (TIE) Application form parents/carers of a child with a disability to apply for the TIE activity discount card and become registered on the TIE database. Together...
Privacy Notice - Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Service Privacy Notice sets out what you need to know about how Doncaster Council will use your information for the Special Educational Needs (SEN) Service.