Content tagged with: short break
Short Breaks for Adults with a Learning Disability provide short-term respite care referred to as a short break for up to a maximum of 8 adults at Wickett Hern Road and 9 adults at Eden Lodge who have a learning disability and or associated disabilities.
Local Offer - Activities and Leisure information about what's on, events and activities in Doncaster. Below there are sessions specifically for children and young people with SEND or there are activities for all children and young people.
Short Breaks children and young people with a disability or complex health need, to access services and activities that will enhance their life experiences; whilst offering a break to families/carers.
Local Offer - Social Care children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities may need contact with social care teams. Here is some of the support that you can expect to receive through services and processes in Doncaster.
Short Breaks Privacy Notice Privacy Notice sets out what you need to know about how the City of Doncaster Council (the Council) will use your information for the purpose of implementing and reviewing Short Break Services. purpose of implementing and reviewing Short Break Services. Additionally, if you have submitted a Shot Breaks Capital Grant application, where applicable, we will use your information for the purpose of processing the grant application.
Breaks for carers a break is likely to help you cope with caring and give you time to recharge your batteries.