Content tagged with: tenant
Frequently asked questions for tenants renting from a private landlord that a tenant may ask about his rights and responsibilities when renting privately.
Private Renting - House Repairs have a statutory duty to keep the housing conditions in our area under review with a view to identifying any action that may need to be taken to address housing disrepair issues. In the majority of cases we will seek to form agreements to secure property improvement, however in some circumstances we will use legal enforcement measures to secure improvement if tenants are at risk.
Houses in multiple occupation in multiple occupation with five or more tenants belonging to two or more households, require a licence from the council.
Waste Management in Private Rented Properties authorities, tenants and landlords all need to work together to maintain the Borough as an attractive place where people want to live and thrive. Landlords play an important role in this and have an interest in making sure that tenants are educated in using the Council's waste services. Having good check-in and check-out procedures and being armed with the correct information can greatly reduce the likelihood of waste management issues arising during the tenancy.
Electrical Safety in Private Rented Accommodation recognise that most landlords fully understand their obligations to keep electrical installations in repair and good working order and that most already undertake regular electrical safety checks. Regulations are now in force requiring that landlords have the electrical installation at their properties checked at least once every five years.