Content tagged with: tenant
Social Housing Regulation 2024 saw the implementation of a new consumer-focused regime to ensure the voice of residents is heard and to rebalance the relationship between tenant and Registered Social Landlords. A key element of this is that landlords need to demonstrate that tenants have been involved at every level of decision-making.
Managing a tenancy, tenancy deposits & eviction your rights and responsibility under a tenancy will assist landlords and tenants in helping to make sure lettings run smoothly and that both parties have a clear understanding of their relationship. Deposits in the private rented sector must be now held centrally in a government operated scheme. Eviction can be a complex area of the law and the requirements to be able to use eviction notices has changed.
Doncaster Housing Strategy homes have a powerful influence on our health and wellbeing. This has become even more apparent during 2020, when many of us spent much more time in our own homes than we normally would expect to and many of our residents were still dealing with the aftermath of the devastating floods in November 2019.
Service Area: Housing out about affordable housing, applying for housing in a council house or housing association property, home alarm service, renting a house, home improvements, energy saving advice and grants.
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Housing benefit information for landlords tenants renting from private landlords have their housing benefit assessed under Local Housing Allowance (LHA) rules.
Harassment & Illegal Eviction are protected from illegal eviction and harassment by the Protection from Eviction Act (1977). It's vitally important that you feel safe and secure in your home and you should not tolerate threats or harassment from your landlord. There are clear legal processes to follow if your landlord wishes to end your tenancy. If they fail to follow these steps they may be acting illegally and the Housing Enforcement team can intervene.
Frequently asked questions for landlords look at some of the commonly received queries we get from Landlords.
Damp, mould & condensation about damp and mouldy properties are common especially during the winter months when condensation is more likely to occur. Disputes between landlords and tenants concerning who should take action to remedy a damp and/ or condensation problem are also not unusual owing to the complex range of factors that can lead to the problem occurring. This page will provide you with helpful information about what can be done to alleviate damp and mould problems and what we can do to assist.
Fire safety in private rented accommodation (non-HMO) have a legal obligation to make sure that the risk posed by fire is managed and that safety measures are in place to reduce the risk. Council officers carrying out risk based inspections under the HHSRS must consider fire safety as part of the overall assessment of property standards and you will be expected to do all that is reasonable in the interests of safety. Specific regulations apply in addition to a risk based approach which are detailed in this page.
Frequently asked questions for tenants renting from a private landlord that a tenant may ask about his rights and responsibilities when renting privately.