Content tagged with: transparency
Local Transparency - Senior Officers Pay City of Doncaster Council following information has been published in accordance with the local government transparency code 2016.
Local Transparency - Current Contracts publish details of all current contracts, regardless of value.
Schools Agency and Cover Spend following documents (in both pdf and csv format) include details of maintained school spend on staff cover and agency spend. Information is published quarterly and is available from April 2018 onward.
Car Parking City of Doncaster are many car parks in the City of Doncaster and in addition to the off-street car parking there are many on-street parking pay and display bays/spaces.
Social Housing Regulation 2024 saw the implementation of a new consumer-focused regime to ensure the voice of residents is heard and to rebalance the relationship between tenant and Registered Social Landlords. A key element of this is that landlords need to demonstrate that tenants have been involved at every level of decision-making.
Local transparency Council believes transparency is a key condition in the drive for the delivery of council services. As a public funded organisation, we have a duty to the local residents we serve to be transparent in our operations. The publication of open data sets is part of our commitment to meet those objectives.
Payments to suppliers council has a duty to publish details of payments to suppliers over £500. We also have a duty to publish spending on corporate credit cards, charge cards and procurement cards.
Fraud part of the Transparency Agenda, the Council actively publishes details of fraud or corruption that it detects and produces a report annually on our counter fraud and fraud investigation activity. These are normally released via the Council's Audit Committee in October each year. In order to aid our readers and users, all of these reports are collated and published here along with key summary activity relating to fraud and counter fraud activity.
Pay Policy Statement a pay policy statement is, along with the latest pay policy statement approved by Full Council.
Anti-Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Framework council has a duty, in law and morally, to protect the public funds it administers and act in a way that protects those funds. Fraud, bribery, corruption and dishonesty (whilst rare) adversely affects the council's reputation and its ability to achieve its objectives through the diversion of the council's limited resources from the provision of service to the people of Doncaster.