Content tagged with: virtual school
Looked After Children Pupil Premium (Plus) Grant grant allocation of the LAC Pupil Premium Plus is managed by the Virtual School Head in the authority which looks after the children. For the 2024-25 financial year, the DfE have allocated local authorities a provisional amount of £2570 per eligible child aged 4 to 15 years, as per the Pupil Premium Plus 2024 to 2025: conditions of grant.
Virtual School Children in Care team Virtual School - Children in Care team The Virtual School isn't a real school in a building of its own. It is the team of professionals who monitor the educational offer for children in care.
Doncaster Virtual School Virtual School exists to improve the educational outcomes of children in the care of Doncaster (CiC) as well as of previously looked after children (prev-CiC), those of Gypsy and Traveller (GT) ethnicity, those who are ethnic Roma (R), and other children who have English as an Additional Language (EAL), who are resident in the borough.
Virtual School Children in Care Graduated Approach Doncaster Virtual School Children in Care team are here to support schools and settings to promote the education for this group of vulnerable children and young people.
Personal Education Planning (PEP) about Pupil Education Plans.
Virtual School - Emotional health and well-being health is one of the most significant barriers to the progress of vulnerable children.
Advice and support for parents or carers and social workers information for parents/carers and social workers on topics including personal education plans (PEPs) and pupil premium grants (PPGs).
Children in care: advice and support for schools for Headteachers, Governors and Designated Teachers that will help them develop the best provision for children in care.