Content tagged with: volunteering
About school governors Governors are the largest volunteer force in the country.
Young Commissioners you or someone you know like to become a Young Commissioner? A key area where young people can make a real difference is decision making and by giving young people a voice and an opportunity to shape our services following the Choose Kindness initiative. By listening to childrens and young peoples voice our offer will improve. The Young Commissioner programme will help support the City of Doncaster's vision, and ensure young people get involved.
Day Opportunities in Doncaster (Supportive Multi-Ability Inter-Generational Life Experiences) provides day activities and projects for older people, adults with learning disabilities, autism and individuals who require specialist support.
Communities purpose is for there to be strong, active, inclusive and resilient communities across the whole of Doncaster, effectively building on and using their strengths and assets to work in partnership to improve their quality of life and wellbeing, to make their neighbourhoods safe and supportive and able to tackle the issues that matter to them.
Get involved out about neighbourhoods, council meetings, current consultations and petitions. Get information on volunteering and voluntary arts.
UKSPF Skills Innovation Accelerator Programme FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE NOW! The Skills Innovation Accelerator Programme is sparking transformation across four key areas, with grant funding available for three of these workstreams. Find out more below...
How to become a School Governor a School Governor you could play an important role in shaping the future of the local education service.
Buddy Scheme - Information for professionals you work with a young person who would benefit from having a buddy? Benefit from having a positive adult role model in their lives who takes them out for fun activities?
YourVoice- Careers and Learning you know what you want to be? What career you want to do? Whose footsteps to follow?
Volunteer for our Buddy Scheme you spare a few hours a month to befriend a young person in care? If you want to volunteer, have fun and make a real difference in a young person’s life then become a buddy with us.