Content tagged with: waste
Hazardous waste is hazardous waste, hazardous waste disposal and how to book an appointment can all be found on this page.
Commercial Waste and Recycling of Doncaster Council offer Waste collection and disposal services for Commercial customers based in Doncaster.
Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) times, how to find the HWRCs and a list of household wastes accepted on site. The HWRCs are operated by HW Martin on behalf Doncaster and Barnsley councils.
Service Area: Bins, recycling & waste your collection day, what you can recycle, how to order a new bin or box, report a missed collection, and order a bulky collection.
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Prosecutions of all the successful prosecutions we have brought about on a range of issues such as fly tipping, not using authorised people to dispose of waste, littering, failing to clear waste from your land, creating nuisance noise or misusing blue badges.
Barnsley, Doncaster & Rotherham Joint Waste Plan Joint Waste Plan sets out our planning strategy for dealing with waste, including the provision of new waste facilities, up until 2026. Work has also now commenced on a new Joint Waste Plan, once adopted, will cover all four Local Planning Authorities in South Yorkshire (therefore future work will also include Sheffield).
Prosecutions - Breach of legal Notices in relation to waste on land following people have been prosecuted for failing to remove waste from their garden, yard or land. The Notices they were served with include Abatement Notices, Community Protection Notices (CPN) and Prevention of Damage by Pests Act Notices (PDPA)
A-Z of recycling and waste for recycling and disposing of your waste & unwanted items.
Bins and boxes for waste and recycling of what you can put in your bins and box.
Blue bin - recycling the information you will need about your blue recycling bin.