Choose Kindness – Lakeside School
Since taking the Choose Kindness pledge, Lakeside Primary have shown a strong commitment to promoting the Choose Kindness movement within their school and sharing the positive effects it's had on their pupils and staff.

How was the pledge taken?
They initially took the pledge as a school during an assembly, in which they explained the meaning behind the movement to the children and emphasised the importance in it's values.
The school used the toolkit to reward children with 'Act of Kindness' certificates and shared some of these on their social media, promoting the movement and spreading the message further.
In addition to using the toolkit, Lakeside Primary also took a proactive approach and thought about how they can complete random acts of kindness.
Community Participation
They decided to create small homemade gifts and hide them around the school grounds and local area for people to find which raised a lot of smiles within the community.
Another way in which they went above and beyond was through purchasing 'Buddy Benches' for their playground and trained up 'Playground Buddies' for children who may feel lonely or struggling with their emotions at play time.
Encouraging children and parents to take the pledge
The school have also taken the opportunity to promote the movement when holding events at the school, such as the Summer Fair in which they used the Choose Kindness frame and encouraged children and parents to take the pledge.
Lakeside Primary are extremely proud of the work they've done around the movement and have made numerous comments on how they can recognise the difference that it makes within the school.
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