Knife Crime Resources For Families and Schools

Following the tragedy at All Saints Catholic High School in Sheffield where 15-year-old pupil Harvey Willgoose was fatally stabbed, support and guidance for parents has been made available including how to approach a conversation with your child about knife crime. Please share this information with families and colleagues.

Recent events will likely spark conversations and questions about knife crime. This may be a challenging topic to approach, but conversations are crucial in changing perspectives around knife carrying and knife crime and can truly make a difference in changing attitudes amongst young people.

Knowing how to approach these conversations can be difficult, but Knives Take Lives resources can guide parents through where to start, what they need to know, and how to report concerning information. Their website also includes resources for young people on the impact of knife crime and support if they are afraid.

Young people may have expressed concerns in the wake of what's happened, but there is support available for them, their families, and schools from campaigns including Knives Take Lives and services such as Victim Support and Childline.

Read the letter to parents from South Yorkshire Police:

South Yorkshire Police_letter_to_parents
Download (542KB - PDF) 

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