Making Safeguarding Referrals - Important Changes from 27 January 2025
Important changes to how you make Safeguarding referrals - Please read.
We’re making changes to how we receive referrals to ensure children and families get the right support.
Starting, Monday 27th January, if you want to report concerns about a child, you’ll no longer be able to complete an online referral form and instead, you will need to call our specialist multi-agency safeguarding hub (MASH) team.
By discussing the concerns, we can determine the most appropriate response for children, young people and families, based on the information shared and held.
You can contact MASH on 01302 737777, or if you are requesting Early Help support for a family, contact the Early Help Hub on 01302 734110.
The new webpages from Monday 27 January are accessible via the link below, so please bookmark this link in your browser and share this information accordingly:
on the web pages you'll find:
- Guidance and screening questions that our MASH team will ask you about the family when you call. Please note you will be asked if you have consent and if the MASH threshold for a safeguarding response is not met, you will be asked to explore consent before the contact progresses to a referral.
- More information about the different services and support Doncaster has to offer and we encourage you to consider our threshold documentation.
We will continue to accept some requests online, these will include:
- Requests for information from governing agencies; CAFCASS, probation, Other Local Authorities, Local Government
- Emergency professionals working outside of regular shift patterns who are unable to phone the following day will still be able to refer to MASH online, examples of these agencies are the Yorkshire Ambulance Service and Emergency Health departments.
Please bookmark the website for future use.
If you have any questions about the changes, please contact the MASH team on 01302 737777.
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