SEND Conference - October 2024
A look back at the SEND Conference attended by around 180 colleagues.

In October professionals from Schools and Settings, Education, Health and Social Care came together to attend the Doncaster SENDCO conference. A big thank you to all attendees and contributors.
What did the event cover?
This event successfully shone a spotlight across the work being done in Doncaster on improving the experience of children and young people.
A number of guest speakers provided valuable insight into the lived experience of people with SEND, the current national picture of the SEND System and the vital role of SENDCOs in supporting our children and young people.
What was the feedback and highlights from attendees?
"I thought the keynote speakers were relevant and interesting. It was good to find out about the bigger picture and also hear from key individuals who understand the pressures schools face and gave an insight into ASD and SENDCo role."
"Very effective and inspiring!"
"Powerful and relevant."
"I thought the keynote speakers were relevant and interesting. It was good to find out about the bigger picture and also hear from key individuals who understand the pressures schools face and gave an insight into ASD and SENDCo role. It has confirmed our thoughts and reinforced our strategic direction around SEND/ Inclusion."
"Very effective and inspiring."
"Fab morning of speakers and learnt a lot from Pete."
"Powerful and relevant - call for evidence highlighted by Gary Aubin was good!"
"Loved all of the key note speakers."
"Pete Wharmby - through the experiences of an Autistic person was amazing and very thought provoking."
"Gary Aubin - role of SENDCO for impact."
"Becky Wilson was excellent at whole school approach - very clear and engaging."
"Gem Turner was excellent on inclusion and life story - very inspiring."
"Gem Turner was very inspirational and definitely made me think about things that we do/say and the impact this has. Also to think about child’s involvement in meetings and the impact this has."
"Whole School Approaches was very helpful in presenting an overview."
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