Prospects for filling the UK’s skills gaps & opening up opportunities for all under a new Labour government which will take place on Thursday, February 27th 2025 from 9:30 AM — 1:00 PM.

Confirmed Speakers

  • Dr Horia Teodorescu, Policy Officer at Universities UK
  • Gary Laybourne, Co-Founder & Chief Executive of Coach Core Foundation
  • Simon Ashworth, Director of Policy & Deputy Chief Executive Officer at the Association of Employment and Learning Providers (AELP)


  • Gain insights into the new Labour government’s plans for reforming apprenticeships and discuss avenues for improvement  
  • Design a more flexible apprenticeships system that better targets the UK’s skills gaps and promotes greater take-up of funds and greater investment by employers in a wider range of apprenticeships and training
  • Develop strategies for boosting the role of local and combined authorities in coordinating skills development in their areas, including with regard to the provision of apprenticeships
  • Improve partnerships between central and local government, education providers, trade unions and business to ensure that apprenticeships meet the needs of the UK economy and provide high-quality opportunities for all
  • Exchange best practice on increasing apprenticeship take-up by young people and reducing drop-out rates
  • Co-develop strategies to expand the provision of a diverse range of high-quality training opportunities for all, including under-25s and those from minority and disadvantaged backgrounds
  • Evaluate how best to reduce the current time-lag between training programs being identified as needed and them becoming available
  • Compare and contrast the different approaches to apprenticeships take in the four nations of the UK and examine successful models internationally

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