Blue Badge - misuse report form

What is this for?

To report an incident of misuse of a blue badge. Please see more information section for when the council can take action.

What is it going to cost?


What we need from you

If possible obtain as many details as possible from the badge on display - such as the serial number, expiry date, issuing council, registration of the vehicle, location of the incident and details of the parking restriction e.g. pay and display parking bay. Please complete the form by selecting Do it now.

What you should expect from us

We will investigate. It is a criminal offence to misuse a blue badge and offenders can be liable to a fine of up to £1000.

More information

The Council can only take action if:

  • the badge holder is not a passenger or driver of the vehicle when a Blue Badge is displayed
  • the badge holder allows someone else use your badge to get free or better parking
  • the badge is used when it is out of date
  • the badge is used when the information on it is wrong or illegible or has been changed

The Department for Transport issue a booklet Blue Badge Rights and Responsibilities, you can view the booklet on the Department for Transport website, if you would prefer a paper copy please call 0845 603 7630.

Recent Prosecutions

Details of recent prosecutions relating to blue badge misuse offences can be found at Prosecutions - Misuse of a blue badge - City of Doncaster Council

Do it Now
Last updated: 24 January 2024 12:24:49