Licensing Public Notices
Below are details of all ongoing applications which are subject to public consultation.
Members of the public who wish to submit a representation in regards to a Premises Licence or Club Premises Certificate application need to be aware their personal details will be made available to the applicant. If this is an issue they may contact a local representative such as a ward, parish or town Councillor or any other locally recognised body such as a residents association about submitting the representation.
The Council is not able to accept anonymous representations. Representations must include your full name, address and contact information (telephone number, email address).
‘Relevant representations’ are representations:
- about the likely effect of the premises licence on the promotion of the licensing objectives;
- which have not been withdrawn and are not, in the opinion of the Council, frivolous or vexatious.
The four licensing objectives are:
- The prevention of crime and disorder
- Public safety
- The prevention of public nuisance
- The protection of children from harm
Any issues which fall outside of the licensing objectives will not be considered relevant.
For example:
A person wants to use a premises to open a convenience store selling groceries, newspapers and general household items. They would also like to be able to sell alcohol so they apply for the appropriate licence.
During the consultation period, a nearby resident objects to the application stating ‘’the premises are on a busy road and the opening of a new shop will increase the amount of traffic passing my property which will mean it takes me longer to get my car off my driveway’’.
This is not a relevant representation because traffic is not a licensing objective and even if the licence application was refused, the premises could still operate as a convenience store any potential increase in traffic would happen regardless of whether or not the premises was licensed for the sale of alcohol.
It is for delegated officers of the licensing authority to determine whether a representation is frivolous or vexatious.
Where relevant representations are received about an application the authority will hold a hearing to consider them unless the authority, the applicant and everyone who has made representations agree that the hearing is not necessary.
Applicants and those making representations should seek, in advance of any hearing, to try to reach agreement or to narrow the areas in dispute, particularly where both are professionally represented.
Should you wish to make a relevant representation against the granting of a licence, please use the representation form at the bottom of this page.
Please note the last date on which a representation can be received and ensure that your representation is received in time.
Completed representations can be sent by email to:
Further guidance is available at the bottom of this page.
Pending applications:
Our Reference: WK/224024671
Type of Application: Premises (LAct 2003)
Applicant: Beer Festivals Uk Limited
Location: Sir Nigel Gresley Square, Waterdale, Doncaster, DN1 3BU
Date Published: 03 January 2025
The proposed application is to carry out the following activities:
Activity | Live Music,Recorded Music,Performance of Dance,Similar to Regulated Ent | |
| From | To |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday | 12:00 | 22:30 |
Saturday | 12:00 | 22:30 |
Sunday | 12:00 | 22:30 |
Activity | Sale of Alcohol (On/Off) | |
Location | Licensed area see plan | |
| From | To |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday | 12:00 | 22:30 |
Saturday | 12:00 | 22:30 |
Sunday | 12:00 | 22:30 |
Activity | Opening Hours | |
Location | Whole of Location | |
| From | To |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday | 12:00 | 23:00 |
Saturday | 12:00 | 23:00 |
Sunday | 12:00 | 23:00 |
Non-Standard Timings:
The conditions applied with the granting of this licence are as follows:-
- a) General - all four licencing objectives (b,c,d,e)
- b) The prevention of crime and disorder
All people entering the bar areas shall be ID checked and in accordance with challenge 25
Any person under the age of 18 will be refused services. Any person found to be buying or giving alcohol to a underage person will be asked to leave the event.
Roaming response teams will be deployed to check on the perimeter fencing, all public must enter in a designated entrance where bag searches will be in operation.
Use of body cameras will be in place and all data saved for use if requested.
c)Public Safety
All staff will have colour high vis vests
(Blue SIA) (Yellow Stewards) (Orange Supervisors) (Orange & Navy Event Manager)
Safety office will always be present whie the event is live.
First aid will in the area located within the event
Roaming security/Stewards and static positions.
Lot children welfare staff will be enhanced DBS checked.
Use of body camera will be in place and all data saved for all use if requested
d)The prevention of public nuisance
We will have a zero tolerance to any anti social behaviour, with perimeter checks taking place throughout the event opening times.
Music levels shall not exceed the recommended government guidelines.
All music will be stopped at 22:30 each evening.
Conformity checks of music noise leaves shall be retained 3 months after the event and upon requested be made available to the local authority for inspection
e) The protection of children of harm
Lost children and valuable adults unit will be staffed with enhanced DBS checked staff.
The lost children point will be located at event control.
All bars will run a challenge 25 policy and will have on site refresher training before the events opens.
A full child & vulnerable adult policy will be in the EMP for the event
The postal address of the relevant licensing authority is set out below and a record of the application may be inspected there during normal office hours.
Anyone who wishes to make representations regarding this application must give notice in writing to The Licensing Department, City of Doncaster Council, Civic office, Waterdale, Doncaster, DN1 3BU. Representations may also be made by email to Where a representation is given by email there is no need for it to also be given in writing.
Please ensure representations are clear and legible and include your full contact details including name and address.
Representations must be received no later than 31/01/2025
It is an offence for anyone to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with an application, the fine for which a person is liable on summary conviction is unlimited.
You should note that in making a representation your personal details may be released to the applicant and could form part of public documents.
Our Reference: WK/224024771
Type of Application: Premises (LAct 2003)
Location: 20A Market Place, Doncaster, DN1 1ND
Date Published: 03 January 2025
The proposed application is to carry out the following activities:
Activity | Sale of Alcohol (On/Off) | |
Location | Licenced Area (see plan) | |
| From | To |
Monday | 11:00 | 03:00 |
Tuesday | 11:00 | 03:00 |
Wednesday | 11:00 | 03:00 |
Thursday | 11:00 | 03:00 |
Friday | 11:00 | 03:00 |
Saturday | 11:00 | 03:00 |
Sunday | 11:00 | 03:00 |
Activity | Late Night Refreshment | |
Location | INDOOR/OUTDOORS | |
| From | To |
Monday | 23:00 | 03:00 |
Tuesday | 23:00 | 03:00 |
Wednesday | 23:00 | 03:00 |
Thursday | 23:00 | 03:00 |
Friday | 23:00 | 03:00 |
Saturday | 23:00 | 03:00 |
Sunday | 23:00 | 03:00 |
Activity | Performance of Dance,Recorded Music,Similar to Regulated Ent,Live Music | |
| From | To |
Monday | 23:00 | 03:00 |
Tuesday | 23:00 | 03:00 |
Wednesday | 23:00 | 03:00 |
Thursday | 23:00 | 03:00 |
Friday | 23:00 | 03:00 |
Saturday | 23:00 | 03:00 |
Sunday | 23:00 | 03:00 |
Activity | Opening Hours | |
Location | Whole Of Location | |
| From | To |
Monday | 11:00 | 03:00 |
Tuesday | 11:00 | 03:00 |
Wednesday | 11:00 | 03:00 |
Thursday | 11:00 | 03:00 |
Friday | 11:00 | 03:00 |
Saturday | 11:00 | 03:00 |
Sunday | 11:00 | 03:00 |
Non-Standard Timings:
The conditions applied with the granting of this licence are as follows:-
- b) The prevention of crime and disorder
The Challenge 25 scheme must operate including a refusals log, signage and the maintenance of staff training records
A CCTV system to the specification of South Yorkshire Police will be fitted, maintained and in use at all times whilst the premises are open. The CCTV images will be stored for 30 days, police and authorised officers of the council will be given access to images for purposes in connection with the prevention and detection of crime and disorder. Members of the management team will be trained in the use of the system.
It is considered that for the nature of the operation door supervisors will be required a risk assessment will be undertaken and will employ the same. Where engaged, door staff shall be licensed by the SIA.
The premises will maintain a register of refusals and incidents. Such records will be kept and made available for inspection of the authorities Staff will receive training on matters concerning underage sales, drugs policies, and operating procedures including evacuation procedures Records of such training will be kept and made available for inspection of the authorities
- Regular checks of all bottle bins inside the premises, this is to check for signs of substance use from discarded drug paraphernalia. The bottle bins will be checked by glass collectors at the end of each night the premises is open.
- Regular toilet checks to be made by security supervisors. These visits will be recorded on a checklist located inside each of the toilets which will give the time and offered making the visit. Door supervisors will carry out toilet inspections every 30 minutes.
- A person trained in First Aid will be at the premises during the provision of Licensable Activities who will have received training in any problems associated with alcohol and drug misuse.
- Any incidents involving violence, criminal damage, injury or harm to an individual, or ejections from the premises, must be recorded in either an incident book or in an electronic incident log by the end of that trading day. The incident book is to be kept at the premises and the book or electronic incident log made available for inspection by an officer of a Responsible Authority, including Police and Local Authority officers
- Staff will receive training concerning , but not limited to,
-Vulnerability awareness including Ask Angela or equivalent campaign
-South Yorkshire Police Violent incident protocol
-Underage sales
-Challenge 25 scheme
-Proxy Sales
-Fake ID's
-Crime Scene preservation
Suitable refresher training to be completed at least once per calendar year commencing the year after their date of
employment. A written record to be retained for a minimum of 12 months and shall be made available to the Police and/or Licensing Authority upon request.
- c) Public safety
All safety certificates and inspection reports will be kept on site and will be made available for inspection officers or relevant statutory bodies.
An adequate and appropriate supply of first aid equipment will be available on the premises.
Fire safety measures provided on the premises will be maintained in good working order and their adequacy will be determined on a regular basis
All staff will be trained in relation to emergency and general safety procedures.
- d) The prevention of public nuisance
clear and legible notices shall be displayed at all exits requesting the public respect the needs of local residents and to leave the premises and area quietly.
A designated member of staff will take a proactive approach to noise control, checking outside the premise to ensure that noise is kept to a reasonable level and manage noise levels internally so as not to cause nuisance.
Except for the purposes of access and egress, all external windows and doors must be kept closed during the recorded
amplified music.
Noise from amplified and non-amplified music, singing and speech arising from regulated entertainment from the premises shall not be audible at the boundary of the nearest noise sensitive properties after 23:00 hours.
Speakers used to relay amplified music, singing and speech provided as part of the regulated entertainment shall not be
positioned outside the premises (fabric of the building).
Clear and prominent signage must be affixed to all external exit doors informing customers to respect neighbouring properties and to leave the premises quietly.
- e) The protection of children from harm
Challenge 25 will be implemented
A refusals book will be maintained
Staff will be trained in relation to underage sales Records of such training will be kept and made available for inspection of the authorities.
The postal address of the relevant licensing authority is set out below and a record of the application may be inspected there during normal office hours.
Anyone who wishes to make representations regarding this application must give notice in writing to The Licensing Department, City of Doncaster Council, Civic office, Waterdale, Doncaster, DN1 3BU. Representations may also be made by email to Where a representation is given by email there is no need for it to also be given in writing.
Please ensure representations are clear and legible and include your full contact details including name and address.
Representations must be received no later than 31/01/2025
It is an offence for anyone to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with an application, the fine for which a person is liable on summary conviction is unlimited.
You should note that in making a representation your personal details may be released to the applicant and could form part of public documents.
Our Reference: WK/224026250
Type of Application: Premises (LAct 2003)
Applicant: Marks & Spencer Simply Foods Ltd
Location: Marks & Spencer Simply Foods, Unit 14a, Wheatley Hall Retail Centre, Wheatley Hall Road, Wheatley, Doncaster, DN2 4PE
Date Published: 20 January 2025
The proposed application is to carry out the following activities:
Activity | Sale of Alcohol (Off only) | |
Location | Licensed Area (See Plan) | |
| From | To |
Monday | 06:00 | 00:00 |
Tuesday | 06:00 | 00:00 |
Wednesday | 06:00 | 00:00 |
Thursday | 06:00 | 00:00 |
Friday | 06:00 | 00:00 |
Saturday | 06:00 | 00:00 |
Sunday | 06:00 | 00:00 |
Activity | Opening Hours | |
Location | Whole Of Location | |
| From | To |
Monday | 06:00 | 00:00 |
Tuesday | 06:00 | 00:00 |
Wednesday | 06:00 | 00:00 |
Thursday | 06:00 | 00:00 |
Friday | 06:00 | 00:00 |
Saturday | 06:00 | 00:00 |
Sunday | 06:00 | 00:00 |
Non-Standard Timings:
The conditions applied with the granting of this licence are as follows:-
Describe the steps you intend to take to promote the four licensing objectives:
- a) General – all four licensing objectives (b,c,d,e)
List here steps you will take to promote all four licensing objectives together.
The company maintains comprehensive regulatory compliance procedures and all aspects of the four licensing objectives are covered by these procedures. Theses
measures will be in place when this new store opens and include the matters set out.
- b) The prevention of crime and disorder
Digital CCTV will be installed. Data will be retained for a minimum period of 31 days and will be made available to the police for evidential purposes
- c) Public safety
No additional steps required to promote the licensing objectives identified beyond existing statutory duties.
- d) The prevention of public nuisance
No additional steps required to promote the licensing objectives identified beyond existing statutory duties.
- e) The protection of children from harm
Staff training to ensure that in case of any doubt whether a purchaser is over the age of 18 to refuse the sale of alcohol unless valid identification is produced. Till prompts remind staff at point of sale of alcohol to ensure the purchaser is over 18 and record refusals. Challenge 25 scheme
The postal address of the relevant licensing authority is set out below and a record of the application may be inspected there during normal office hours.
Anyone who wishes to make representations regarding this application must give notice in writing to The Licensing Department, City of Doncaster Council, Civic office, Waterdale, Doncaster, DN1 3BU. Representations may also be made by email to Where a representation is given by email there is no need for it to also be given in writing.
Please ensure representations are clear and legible and include your full contact details including name and address.
Representations must be received no later than 17/02/2025
It is an offence for anyone to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with an application, the fine for which a person is liable on summary conviction is unlimited.
You should note that in making a representation your personal details may be released to the applicant and could form part of public documents.
Our Reference: WK/224026304
Type of Application: Premises (LAct 2003)
Applicant: Heron Foods Limited
Location: Heron Foods, 290-292 Great North Road, Woodlands, Doncaster, DN6 7HN
Date Published: 20 January 2025
The proposed application is to carry out the following activities:
Activity | Sale of Alcohol (Off only) | |
Location | Licenced Area (See Plan) | |
| From | To |
Monday | 07:00 | 21:00 |
Tuesday | 07:00 | 21:00 |
Wednesday | 07:00 | 21:00 |
Thursday | 07:00 | 21:00 |
Friday | 07:00 | 21:00 |
Saturday | 07:00 | 21:00 |
Sunday | 08:00 | 20:00 |
Activity | Opening Hours | |
Location | Whole Of Location | |
| From | To |
Monday | 07:00 | 21:00 |
Tuesday | 07:00 | 21:00 |
Wednesday | 07:00 | 21:00 |
Thursday | 07:00 | 21:00 |
Friday | 07:00 | 21:00 |
Saturday | 07:00 | 21:00 |
Sunday | 08:00 | 20:00 |
Non-Standard Timings:
The conditions applied with the granting of this licence are as follows:-
- b) The prevention of crime and disorder
- Suitable close circuit television system will be operational at the premises at all times when licensable activities are being carried out and at any other times where members of the public are present on the premises.
- The CCTV system will be of satisfactory resolution quality which will enable the identification of persons and activities.
- The CCTV system will have sufficient storage, retention and capacity for a minimum of 28 days continuous footage which will be of good quality.
- A designated member of staff will be authorised to access the CCTV footage and be conversant with operating the CCTV system. At the request of an authorised officer of the licensing authority or a responsible authority, any CCTV footage as requested will be downloaded immediately or secured to prevent any overwriting. The CCTV footage material will be supplied on request to an authorised officer of the licensing authority or a responsible authority.
- An incident report register will be maintained on the premises to record incidents such as antisocial behaviour admissions, refusal and ejections from the premises.
- The incident report register will be produced for inspection immediately on the request of an authorised officer.
- All staff will receive training on the Licensing Act 2003 and training will be refreshed at regular intervals.
- c) Public safety
Please see b), d) and e) above and below.
- d) The prevention of public nuisance
- Notices shall be displayed at the exit requesting the public to respect the needs of local residents and to leave the premises and the area quietly.
- e) The protection of children from harm
- Challenge 25 will be in operation at the premises.
- Signage will be displayed in the premises informing both staff and customers of the Challenge 25 policy
The postal address of the relevant licensing authority is set out below and a record of the application may be inspected there during normal office hours.
Anyone who wishes to make representations regarding this application must give notice in writing to The Licensing Department, City of Doncaster Council, Civic office, Waterdale, Doncaster, DN1 3BU. Representations may also be made by email to Where a representation is given by email there is no need for it to also be given in writing.
Please ensure representations are clear and legible and include your full contact details including name and address.
Representations must be received no later than 17/02/2025
It is an offence for anyone to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with an application, the fine for which a person is liable on summary conviction is unlimited.
You should note that in making a representation your personal details may be released to the applicant and could form part of public documents.
THE MARRIAGE ACT 1949 (as amended)
The Marriages and Civil Partnerships (Approved Premises) Regulations 2005, reg. 4 (as amended)
Notice of Application for approval of premises
Doncaster Council being the authority for the purposes of the Marriages and Civil Partnerships (Approved Premises) Regulations 2005, HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that an application has been made by
Thornhurst Manor, Holme Lane, Holme, Doncaster, DN5 0LR
Being [the proprietor(s)] [(a) trustee(s)] of premises situated at and known as
Thornhurst Manor, Holme Lane, Holme, Doncaster, DN5 0LR
For approval of those premises for the solemnization of marriages in pursuance of section 26(1)(bb) of the Marriage Act 1949 and as a place at which two people may register as civil partners of each other in pursuance of section 6(3A)(a) of the Civil Partnerships Act 2004.
The application, together with a plan of the premises which accompanied it, may be inspected at
Doncaster Council, Licensing, Civic Office, Waterdale, Doncaster DN1 3BU
Between the hours of 08.30 and 17.00, Monday to Friday.
Any person may give notice in writing of an objection to the grant of approval of such application, with reasons for the objection, within 21 days from the date of publication of the Doncaster Council webpage on which this notice appears.
Such notice of objection should be given to the authority at
Doncaster Council, Licensing, Civic Office, Waterdale, Doncaster DN1 3BU
Objections in writing should be received no later than 11th February 2025
Local Authority Reference Number: WK/224026349
To make a representation, please use this Representation Form
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