Discover your collection day, what you can recycle, how to order a new bin or box, report a missed collection, and order a bulky collection.
Bins, recycling & waste
Downloads & Resources
Green Bins
Green Bin Collections will resume from week commencing Monday 3 March.
Do it online
Bins and boxes
- Check when your collection days are
- Report a missed collection
- Order replacement bin or box
- Report a missing or damaged bin / lid
- Request bins and boxes for a new build property
- Order additional bin or box
- Additional green bin subscriptions and renewals
- Apply for an assisted collection
Bulky items
- Request a collection of bulky disposable items
- Request a collection of bulky reusable items
- Request a collection of fridges/freezers
- Report a missed bulky collection
- Cancel a bulky collection
Information, advice and guidance
Domestic waste
- Household Waste Recycling Centres
- Bins and boxes - what to put in and where to put them
- A-Z of recycling and waste
- Bank holiday bin collections
- Flats
- Asbestos disposal
- Hazardous waste
- Healthcare waste
- Doncaster waste transfer station
- Doncaster environment fund
Commercial waste
Litter, street cleaning and waste licences
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Last updated: 06 March 2025 17:12:00