Prosecutions - landlord related breaches

We have successfully prosecuted the following people for offences under the Housing Act 2004 relating to houses in multiple occupation (HMOs).

March 2019

Joseph McGregor Brown & Yolande Brown, Enfield, London (in relation to a property in Hexthorpe, Doncaster)

Sentence: £2,700 fine for breach of abatement notice (condition of the roof). £200 fine for breach of the PDPA notice (condition of garden). Costs: £536.26 awarded, victim surcharge: £170

January 2019

Almas Rashid, Doncaster 

Pleaded guilty to: failure to obtain a licence from the council for each property, failure to comply with an Improvement Notice after an inspection from the council found both properties in disrepair and non-compliance with HMO regulations relating to fire safety and poor management of the properties. He also pleaded guilty of not providing the council with relevant documents to help the investigation at one of the properties.

Sentence: Fine £2,800 (£400 per offence), Costs £2,579.73, Victim surcharge £40




Last updated: 25 April 2019 10:03:46

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