It is estimated that one in five adults lack the basic digital skills they need for everyday life and work. Adult Family Community Learning offer a range of digital skills courses, from beginner through to a Level 1 accreditation.

Digital Skills Short Courses


We offer a range of different digital skills courses aimed at those who have never used a computer before or simply want to improve their skills. Do you want to improve your smart phone photography or get more out of your tablet? We have short courses to help you with your needs.

 Short Course

Smartphone Photography


Basic Digital Skills



Essential Digital Skills Qualification

The EDSQ course is an accredited course designed around the digital skills for life and work. It is a 45 hour course covering the 5 national digital skills areas:


Using devices and handling information

This skills area covers a basic understanding of hardware, software, operating systems and commonly used applications. Students will develop fundamental digital skills by learning how to manage and store information, and identify and solve simple technical issues.

Creating & Editing

Students will first learn to create and edit documents before moving on to creating and editing other types of digital media, such as images. Eventually, students will be taught to use applications to edit, enhance and format different types of information for a range of purposes and audiences


The communication skills area requires students to demonstrate an understanding of electronic communications, such as email and video calls. Students will gain awareness and be able to use digital communication for a range of contexts and audiences


This skills area involves the ability to complete and submit an online form, comply with digital verification checks, and purchase an item or service online. Eventually, students will learn to compare products against other available online options and manage their transactional account settings.

Being Safe & Responsible Online

The final skills area is to understand the importance of digital wellbeing, students will learn about being responsible online. This will involve privacy and data protection, conducting best practice online behaviour, backing up data, and understanding the psychological health risks of online activity.


 Course Activities

During the course of the academic year students will cover a variety of activities relatable to real world situations.

·       Microsoft Word will be used to write a letter and C.V, including the use of formatting tools, table insertion and basic picture formatting.

·       Create a PowerPoint presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint by expanding on the transferable skills learned using Microsoft Word.

·       Using Google Chrome to perform searches for products online, then use more advanced techniques to narrow down searches and compare results

·       An introduction to using Microsoft Excel for creating spreadsheets, creating calculations and producing relevant graphs. This can be made relatable by using the application to produce a comparison of product features to make a purchasing decision.

·       Using email to communicate online to a variety of recipients.

·       Learning how to video call using Microsoft Teams and WhatsApp.

 We are currently taking enquires for September 2023, contact us today to start your journey.

All Course Enquiries

Last updated: 24 January 2024 09:35:17

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