Doncaster Education, Health and Care Plan Hub

On the 18th April 2024, the online Doncaster Education, Health, and Care (EHC) Hub was launched. The EHC Hub will transform communication enabling families, education settings and SEND Professionals to collaborate with complete transparency on assessments, plans and reviews. This page will continue to be updated based on questions asked.

The EHC Hub is a digital platform for families, professionals and education settings to engage, contribute and collaborate on EHC assessments, plans and reviews. The EHC Hub can be accessed 24 hours a day on a smart phone, tablet or computer and is designed to be easy to use.

Access the EHC Hub

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs for Parents

How do I request an EHC needs assessment on the EHC Hub?

  • Visit the EHC Hub
  • This will take you to a page containing some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about an EHCP. Read through the questions on the next page then click on the "Request an EHC needs assessment button"
  • This will take you to a second page containing FAQs. Read through the questions on the next page then click on the "Request an EHC needs assessment button"
  • This will take you to the request form. The form has a small number on mandatory fields (questions that require an answer to allow you to submit the form). The other fields are optional, however, the more information you can provide within your request, the more better understanding the local authority will have about your child's needs at this initial point of contact
  • Complete the form providing as much information as you can and click "Send request"
  • If you have provided an email address, you will receive an email within a few working days which contains your log in details to allow you to activate your account. You can then log in the EHC Hub and track the progress of your application.

Do I need an account to request an EHC needs assessment?

An account is not required to request a needs assessment. However, it is not possible to save a request part way through the process and then come back to it later. It is also not possible to upload documents during this part of the request process. Once the request has been sent to the local authority, and the parent/carer/guardian or Young Person over 16 has registered, you will be able to access the request to amend it and upload any documents if you wish to. At this stage if the young person has an educational setting, they can also provide advice prior to the request going to panel before the 6 week date.

My child has an EHCP but I don’t feel confident using the Education, Health and Care Hub, what should I do?

  • You can speak to your young persons’ Education setting who will also have access to the Hub and they will be able to support you to access the information.
  • You can contact the SEN Team for advice and support on using the EHC Hub.
  • You can request to not be allocated to the EHC Hub and the SEND Coordinator for your young person will not allocate you to the profile and will ensure any documentation is sent out in the post if that is your preference.

Can I submit my young person’s voice / our families views on the EHC Hub?

Absolutely, you can capture your views in a number of ways. For example, uploading short videos, photographs alongside written text to capture a narrative about the young person’s aspirations.

What do I need to include when submitting a request for an EHC assessment?

  • There are titled boxes for you to complete, fill in as much information as you can with regards to your young person and their special educational needs.
  • Please be aware you cannot attach documents at this stage in the process, however you will have the opportunity to do so at the next stage.
  • If there are any other professionals other than the education provision who are actively involved with your young person, please detail their information under the ‘Child or young person’s main contacts'. For example, your child may have a Speech and Language Therapist.

What information could I have access to on the Hub?

  • Online EHC assessment request pathway, including uploading/ sharing reports and or documents
  • EHC case tracker with clear, contextual information advice and guidance as well as complete visibility of the statutory timeframes that relate to their case (review and assessment)
  • Multimedia spaces to capture the child, young person & families views
  • Secure 24/7 online access to all key information, documentation and reports
  • Draft EHC plan consultation with ability to submit comments and feedback
  • EHCP Review meeting information and invitations
  • Ability to provide views/ feedback ahead of the EHC Review meeting
  • Automated email alerts and notifications of case updates
  • Access for advocates or independent support workers
  • Access to multiple child/ Young person’s cases via the one login
  • Download and save/ print all online case information
  • Visibility of the Case Timeline to see all recent case activity

What happens once I have submitted my request for assessment to the Local Authority?

Once the request has been sent to the local authority, they will contact you by email to register on the EHC Hub so you can access and amend the details of the request and upload any documents if required. In order to access the Hub, you will need a username and password (Your username will be your email address). There is also a second level of security (known as two factor authentication) which will involve the entering of a six-digit code provided to you either by an authentication app or a text message. Your password must have at least 8 characters, at least one symbol and at least one capital letter.

Who do I contact if I am struggling to log into the EHC Hub or having an issue seeing my young persons file?

Please email and a member of staff will support with any difficulties you are having.

Using different devices to log into the EHC Hub?

When you are using a mobile device to view the EHC Hub, the layout will be different to what you see when you are using a laptop or a PC.

How will I know the status of my young person’s application?

The top of the screen will show what stage of the process the EHC plan is currently at, there will also be some key date information which will update as the case progresses through the stages.

The Stages:

  • Request - This means a request for a EHC needs assessment has been made and information is being gathered to decide if a needs assessment should take place.
  • Decision – When the decision has been made as to whether an EHC needs assessment for a child or young person will be carried out, you will receive an email telling you this and asking you to access the hub to view the details. You will be able to view the decision letter by clicking on download and opening the letter. If a decision has been made not to undertake an assessment at this stage, you can contact your SEN Officer which will be detailed on the left hand side of your young persons profile to ask for further information.
  • Assessment – If the decision has been taken to proceed with an EHC needs assessment, click ‘View assessment’, you will be provided with information about the EHC needs assessment process. There are two areas where you can contribute to the EHC needs assessment. These are About (child/young person name) and Parent/Carer views.
  • Decision – When the decision has been made to issue a plan or not, you will receive an email telling you that there is new information on the Hub for you to view. You will need to sign into the Hub to view the result of the decision. If a decision has been made not to issue an EHCP at this stage, you can contact your SEN Officer which will be detailed on the left hand side of your young persons profile to ask for further information.
  • EHC Plan – When the draft plan is ready, it will be shared. When it has been shared, you will get an email to say that it is available to view.

Can I make comments on a draft EHCP?

Yes you can, there will be a bar which tells you that the plan is ready for you to comment on. The draft plan will show the advice that has been submitted by any of the professionals who were asked for advice as well as the planned outcomes and provisions. You will have 15 calendar days to provide your comments. If you click ‘Open’ for any section, there will be comments boxes which you can enter information into. When you have finished adding all your comments and you are ready to submit, click ‘Finish commenting’ and ‘Submit comments’.

Can I download the EHCP?

Yes, you can download the EHCP in word or PDF.

Will I be able to see if consultations have been sent out if I have requested a different school?

Yes, you will be able to see which schools have been consulted with and whether or not they have responded. You will not be able to open the response they send. Your SEN Officer will discuss this further with you.

How will I know if the EHCP has been finalised?

Once a plan has been finalised you will receive an email notification.

How will I know if the EHCP is due a review?

The EHC plan must be reviewed annually, information about when the next review is due by will be displayed when you log into the Hub and view the profile.

What is the EHC Case Summary?

This includes sections of information for the history of activity on the EHC Hub.

What is the case timeline for?

The timeline shows the record of activity within the profile. It shows a list of actions which have been carried out for a young person. It will be in chronological order and will who the name of the user who carried out the action and the date and time. There maybe documents visible in the timeline aswell, you can download the attachment by clicking the image. You will receive email notifications when something happens on the case, the email will not give you specific information but if you look at the case timeline it will let you know what actions have happened.

FAQs for Professionals 

Your Questions

How do I get my log in for the Education, Health and Care Plan Hub?

You should have received an email prompt from the system asking you to log in prior to the Go Live date (18th April 2024) so keep a look out in your emails! If you have not received this, please email the Doncaster EHC Hub inbox and a member of the team will support to get you set up on the system.

How do I get a log in if I am new to the role?

Please email the Doncaster EHC Hub inbox ( to request a log in to the Hub.

My log in doesn’t work for the EHC Hub, what do I do?

Don’t worry, there is a password reset link on the home page of The Hub. If you are still having issues after using the reset links, please email the Doncaster EHC Hub inbox and a member of the team will support to get you set up on the system.

Will I be able to submit a new request for assessment from the 18th April 2024?

Yes, from the 18th April 2024 you will be able to complete the online form to request a Statutory Assessment. If you submit a request in the "old way" after the 18th April 2024, you will be contacted to add it to the online hub.

How will I know if the young peoples profiles in my setting are ready?

When you have been allocated to a profile by the Special Educational Needs Team you will receive an email and you will be able to see the young people in your live cases.. Please do not worry if you cannot see all the young people straight away as these are being uploaded based on the last annual review date and the aim is to have all profiles set up by September 2024.

How will the profiles be rolled out?

Young peoples profiles are being uploaded into the system right now, however, as you can appreciate this is a HUGE job, so we have decided to upload them based on their last annual review date. This will allow us to get profiles ready for you prior to your next annual review date.

Why can I only see the young persons personal details, outcomes and provision on their profile?

Profiles have been uploaded based on the last annual review / Education, Health and Care Plan, (the most recent). As these young people are due a review, strengths, needs and any other up to date information can be inputted by yourselves as part of the review to ensure the profile holds the most up to date information. 

Can I change the picture on the young person’s profile?

Please do! If the young person doesn’t like having their picture taken, upload something they like, cake, football.. it makes the profile more personalised for the young person.

What happens if I notice some of the outcomes / provisions are out of date now?

You can update this as part of the annual review process.

Who is responsible for updating Section A, particularly the My Story section? Will schools have access to this or will this only be open for parents to comment on before the review?

Both parents and professionals will have access to review Section A of the EHCP.

Will Section D (Care) be open for school to comment for all pupils? We are lead practitioner for Early Help for quite a few and have some pupils with historical short breaks that need adding to their EHCPs.

Yes, you will be able to access all areas of the EHCP to make any amendments as part of the review.

I need some support with the Annual Review Process...

On the Hub, there is a help section and you will be able to access user guides and short videos from this section. If you still have questions, please contact your SEND Coordinator.

FAQs for Settings

Which child or young person’s details can I view?

Any case where the case co-ordinator has granted access to you, by name, or to your education setting.

Can a draft request for assessment be transferred from one person to another?

No, a request for assessment that has not yet been submitted is only visible to the person who started the request. However, if a request has been started but is no longer required, it can be deleted.

Do I retain access to a request for assessment after it has been submitted?

There will be a period immediately after submitting a request when it will not be visible to the requester. However, this is just to allow the Local Authority to process the request and allocate a case co-ordinator. Access to the request and case details can then be granted by the case co-ordinator.

Can a parent edit information that I enter under identified areas of need?

No, but they will be able to read what is entered.

If a child or young person, or their parent, carer or guardian, are unable to provide views to support a request or assessment for themselves, can I enter their views or upload documents or images on their behalf?

Yes. At the request stage, assessment stage and during a review, there is space to provide their views.

Can I manage a review of an EHC Plan and submit the report of recommendations?

Yes, provided the case co-ordinator has given your education setting access to the child or young person’s case. 

Can I be requested to provide advice towards an assessment or views ahead of a review?


FAQs for Contributors

Which child or young person’s details can I view?

Any case that meets at least one of the following conditions:
  • Where you have been asked to provide advice towards an assessment which you have not yet completed
  • Where you have provided advice towards an assessment and until a period after the EHC Plan has been issued (a ‘grace period’ is normally 60 days but can vary by local authority)
  • When you have been invited to a review meeting and the review process is in progress
  • Where you have been asked to provide views ahead of a review meeting which you have not yet completed
  • Where you have provided views ahead of a review meeting, the EHC Plan is amended at the end of the review and until a period after the EHC Plan has been amended (the ‘grace period’ is normally 60 days but can vary by local authority)

If I’m requested to provide advice towards an assessment, when is the advice due?

Six weeks from the date of the request. If allocated to provide advice within a team, the deadline remains six weeks even if the allocation within the team is completed later than the date of the request for advice.

Will I be reminded of the deadline?

Yes, a notification will be provided to the individual and team within the EHC Hub and by email if advice is not provided after four weeks. A further notification is provided it the request becomes overdue.

How are team requests for advice at the assessment stage and team requests for information ahead of a review meeting allocated to team members?

Designated “managers” within the team can log in to the EHC Hub and choose one or more team member to provide advice on behalf of the team.

How can a team see requests for advice at the assessment stage and team requests for information ahead of a review meeting that require allocation?

Designated “managers” have access to a “Team Cases” work tray and includes a filter for “Awaiting Allocation” to quickly access those requests that require attention.

Can I read responses from other teams or individuals requested to provide advice at the assessment stage or requested to provide information ahead of a review meeting?

Yes, provided you have first submitted your own response.

Can I download a copy of advice or information that I have submitted?

Yes, advice and information can be downloaded before and after it has been submitted to the local authority.

Who can read the advice and information that I submit on the EHC Hub?

Everyone with access to the child or young person’s case will be able to read your submitted advice and information for that child or young person. The case co-ordinator, education setting, SENCo(s) and young person, parent, carer, guardian or advocate are listed in the case sidebar. Other professionals across education, health and social care will be listed under requests for advice (Assessment stage) or requests for information (Contribute Views stage of review) depending on the case’s current stage.

General FAQs

What happens if I forget my password?

There is a link on the hub’s homepage to securely reset your password at any time.

How do I access my account if I change, or lose, the device that I use for two factor authentication?

An administrator of the EHC Hub can reset your two factor authentication settings. Next time you log in to your account, you shall be prompted to set up two factor authentication with your new device.

Can individuals be blocked from accessing the EHC Hub? For example, a person changes job which means they should no longer have access.

Yes, an administrator of the EHC Hub can suspend a user’s account which prevents that person from being able to log in. Suspended accounts can be reactivated, if needed.

Who can edit a system template (email notifications, letters and the EHC Plan)?

An administrator of the EHC Hub can make changes to system templates. Any change that is applied to a template and saved will take effect from the next time that template is used.

Can a person’s given role in the EHC Hub be changed?

Unfortunately not. This is because the permissions that are integral to how a person can search for and engage with cases is controlled by the type of role that is assigned to a person’s account in the EHC Hub. If a change of role is necessary, please discuss your options with an administrator of the EHC Hub.

More Information


Last updated: 19 December 2024 09:20:59

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