School crossing patrols provide a vital service to all pedestrians, and young people in particular, on their journey to and from schools.


School crossing patrols were created in 1953 to help children walking to and from school. Since then they have become a familiar and integral part of the journey to school for many children.

Patrols have a legal power to stop traffic to cross any pedestrian, adult or child, and failing to stop for a patrol is a criminal offence. Whilst traffic has increased enormously since the 1950s the role of the school crossing patrol is virtually the same.

Today’s crossing patrols are better equipped to carry out the job than ever before with high quality uniform to protect them from the weather and help them be seen by drivers. They are not only trained to work on the crossing point but also in dealing with the issues they are likely to come across when working in a front line service on the highway.

How do we decide where to put a school crossing patrol point?

We don't have a statutory duty to provide school crossing patrols.   Where a head teacher makes a request for a crossing, we'll look at the issues raised by the school and get back to them with our findings.

School crossing patrols can only be provided at sites which meet the rules in the national guidelines produced by Road Safety GB

We undertake a site survey using the criteria set out in the National Guidelines mentioned above.

The rules depend on a number of factors, but firstly the number of primary school age children and the volume of vehicles at the site at the relevant times including  a number of other things about the road and area around the site.

However, it is important to remember that whilst Doncaster Council are committed to providing wardens on sites that meet criteria it remains responsibility of parents and guardians to ensure their children arrive to school safely.

For more information about crossing points please contact the service on 01302 737418 or email 

How can I find out more details about becoming a school crossing patrol?

Working as a school crossing patrol can be very rewarding. It is an opportunity to serve the heart of a community. Post holders receive full training, uniform and payment during school holidays. However the working days and times are very structured and not flexible so before applying please consider the commitment required for the role.

We currently require permanent wardens at a number of locations across Doncaster if you are interested please take a look at our current vacancies


Alternatively for an informal chat about becoming a School crossing patrol or to request a paper  application form please call us on 01302 737418 or email 

Are all drivers legally required to stop for a School Crossing Patrol?

It is an offence for a driver to fail to stop for a School Crossing Patrol wearing the official uniform and displaying the STOP sign. It is also an offence for a driver to move off whilst the patrol is still in the road.

Failure to comply could result in a fine up to £1,000 and 3 points on your licence.

Last updated: 23 October 2024 11:41:36

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